[chapter 7]

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You awoke to a light shining into your room- the experience was similar to how you woke up every morning in Krovnyy, only the light was different this time. Cracking open your eyes, you saw sunlight pouring in through the large gap you'd ended up leaving in the curtains the day before. You guessed it was time to get up and used the back of your bed to help heave yourself off the floor, stretching your arms above your head and yawning.

'I want another shower...' Granted, you didn't need one in the slightest, but the previous day's experience was just so nice that you had to have another one. Your took your shower, spending an extra twenty minutes leaning against the wall feeling the water hitting your body, before putting on the boxers you'd worn the night before and trotting over to your bed.

One of your hands found its way to your hair and instinctively fluffed it. It was strange to feel it shorter and clean- you were so used to never wanting to touch your hair for fear of pulling on a large knot or simply feeling the grease that constantly stained it, so it was nice to have your locks looking acceptable.

Looking over to the clock that sat on your desk, you saw it was 7:46am. School started at 8:25, so you thought you'd get dressed and head over early to see your class and maybe visit Aleksei to see how he was holding up.

The uniform felt strange when you put it on- it was a little scratchy, and the fabric was uncomfortably thick yet still somehow left you feeling cold, but other than that you liked it enough. It was a little baggy on you, which was to be expected, though you told yourself that you'd gain some weight after attending school for a little while. Speaking of school, you weren't sure what you needed for your classes, so you simply took a pen and pencil that were sitting on your desk and stuffed them into your pocket, along with your keys.

You hadn't locked your dorm when you entered it yesterday, so you made sure to do so as you left and began walking down the corridor. Most of your classmates were probably still asleep, so you tried to be as quiet as possible when taking the elevator downstairs. As you exited the elevator, you immediately noticed a few people loitering around the kitchen and lounge section and felt your heart drop.

They didn't look particularly awake- all of them were in their uniforms, but they were either watching TV or slowly eating their breakfast with their eyes half open. While they were half asleep, you didn't think you could slip right by them without being noticed. The floors were all connected, right? So you could go round the other way where the baths were and avoid the students. You'd talk to them, sure, just not yet.

You made your way through the baths, thankfully not running into anyone on your way there, until you came around the other side of the first floor towards the entrance. Just as you were about to walk past the centre of the room, the door slid open, and you saw Aleksei nervously stumble into the building with his eyes darting everywhere. He was immediately spotted by a guy sitting at the couch, who you recognised to be the one whose headphones you'd broken at the USJ attack.

"Hey, hey!" He called out tiredly, earning the attention of the bumbling ginger as he ran a hand through his hair. It was still long, but he'd brushed and washed it like you had, and had made the effort to tie it up into a high ponytail with small wisps of his bangs hanging down over his cheeks. "You're in the wrong dorm, man!" He immediately shook his head and waved his hands about nervously.

"No, I'm looking for someone in your class..." He explained a little shakily. He was probably just as nervous as you were to talk to the same kids he'd fought only a couple of days prior.

"Oh, who? They're probably not up yet." The blonde replied through a yawn, as an entirely pink girl next to him nodded. Everyone on the couches was now staring at him, and you were starting to feel the embarrassment radiating off of him.

A Spark of Hope [BNHA x Male! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now