[ chapter 18 ]

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[[ this chapter is a dusty bitch im so sorry im awful at fight scenes lmao ]]

[[ btw some new dudes r gonna be comin in soon hehe ]]

Stepping out onto the arena in front of the crow-headed boy gave you the same sinking feeling in your gut as one would get falling out of a plane. You were beyond nauseous as you took in his stance- partly because you were anxious and partly because you'd drained so much energy from those vending machines that you had started to feel sick. You needed to get some of it out, otherwise you'd probably throw up. This worked out in your favour, since you'd have to use up some energy to fight anyway, but you still felt queasy nonetheless.

"Offense and defence in one body!" Present Mic shouted out. "The dark samurai accompanied by Dark Shadow! From the hero course, it's Tokoyami Fumikage!! Versus... A complete powerhouse of energy! Will his steady streak of victories continue?! Also from the hero course, it's [M/n]!!" Mic paused momentarily to allow the crowds to cheer, before giving the signal for the match to start.

Tokoyami immediately sent dark shadow towards you, and you knew you'd have to react quickly with him. He followed the same sort of battle strategy as a Krovnyy inmate- attack and never stop attacking. You figured you could use that to your advantage. You held your hands out and sent a concentrated burst of energy at dark shadow, seeing it visibly affected as it drew back.

You officially knew that you could hurt him with your attacks, since they must have produced a fair amount of light. However, that one blast took a lot out of you, not that you were showing it. You couldn't be so reckless as to keep doing that. Dark shadow was still weakened, so you charged forward and leapt towards it with your hands charged full of energy. Your attack wasn't as concentrated as last time, but it would be enough for now. You pushed yourself onto it at full force and placed your hands on its face, seeing it writhing with discomfort at the light. Dark shadow was darting across the arena in an attempt to shake you off of it, but you didn't budge, and saw a perfect opportunity to send out another concentrated blast.

The beams expelled from your hands directly into Dark shadow's form, and stayed there as it screamed out in panic. You kept up the blast, knowing you were hurting it, until you started to become drowsy. Your energy supply was running lower by the second, but you kept your hands firmly rooted to Dark shadow until he eventually caved and escaped back into Tokoyami. Fatigue was settling in fast, so you acted as quickly as possible and sent a final wave of energy over to Tokoyami while he was still stunted, successfully knocking him out of the arena.

"Tokoyami is out of bounds! [M/n] wins!!" Midnight exclaimed as you tried to stagger away from the arena before you collapsed on live TV. You'd definitely used up some of your own energy in that battle, which almost scared you. It had been a long time since you'd actually had to try in a fight. You guessed U.A. wasn't the top hero school for nothing.

Eventually, you made your way back to the prep room, practically having to crawl some of the way there so you didn't pass out from exhaustion. 'This is why I need to train my body more...' You thought absently as you managed to haul yourself into a chair and slump over the table, dry heaving into the wood with your eyes scrunched shut in pain. You stayed in that same position for a couple of minutes before you calmed down enough to sit up, although the action itself was near excruciating.

You were almost surprised that nobody had come down to greet you, until you remembered what match was currently going on: Bakugou vs Todoroki. They were both immeasurably strong, so you figured their fight would go on for a while, and that people might get suspicious if you were gone for the entire thing. You weren't sure if people knew about your weakness or not, but you couldn't risk one of your next competitors knowing, so you shakily stood up from your chair and made your way back out to where your class was sitting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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