[chapter 14]

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Running through the starting gate was much less spectacular than you thought it would be. You were almost immediately shoved into a wall by someone from another class and held there as you ran- or rather slowly shuffled forward while pushing against the people around you. A few feet ahead of you, you could see Todoroki about to exit the gate with one of his hands starting to frost over.

'Why is he...' You began to think to yourself, before the realisation hit you like a ton of bricks and caused to you to skip up onto the wall and jump over the person in front of you. The ground froze over behind you just before you landed on the ice and charged forward with all your might. Other students behind you were all frozen to the ground, but you paid them no mind and kept going. This wasn't a damn rescue exercise, they could figure it out themselves.

You'd managed to catch up to him just as some of your classmates flew over the crowd. Bakugou was yelling, of course, so you tuned them out and focused your glare on Todoroki's back. You were pretty sure you were a faster runner than him, so if the event was based mostly off of that, you were confident in your chances at winning.

Of course, that wouldn't be the case.

Your steps faltered as you approached a horde of giant robots, along with a couple of smaller ones. A nervous feeling settled into your stomach momentarily, before you suddenly remembered your quirk and scoffed to yourself, speeding up. Entering the robot spiritually would be the best bet for you- you couldn't risk Todoroki getting there first and destroying them.

Focusing your gaze on one of the large robots, you felt your consciousness drifting away from you as your mind possessed the obstacle. Your body dropped to the ground as your vision slowly started to come to you from one of the robots on the far left. Somebody tripped over your body, and more and more people started to notice the crumpled mess on the floor.

"Uh-oh! Looks like class A's [M/n] is unconscious! Were the robots a bit much?" Present Mic's voice made it's way to your now mechanical ears, it sounding more like he was shouting from inside a box. You huffed inwardly and took a step forward towards the students, making them all falter in their steps as you extended an arm out towards your body. (( A/N: DO THOSE ROBOTS EVEN HAVE LEGS?? IVE BEEN SEARCHING CLIPS OF THEM AND READING THE MANGA OVER AND OVER AND I HONESTLY CANNOT TELL???? BUT FOR THE SAKE OF THE STORY AND MY SANITY THEY WILL HAVE SOME SMALL LEGS)) You grabbed yourself gently in one of the robot's claws and immediately took off running, soon hearing the disembodied voice of Present Mic yelling over the speakers again. "Woah, hold on! [M/n] seems to have possessed one of the robots and is using it as a getaway!! Just shows how cool your class is, Eraser!!"

Pride swelled within you as you ran ahead, your giant metal body clunking against the ground with every step. You were now in first place- you couldn't see Todoroki in front of you, so you assumed he was either still with the robots or just catching up. You never really set out to win, but now that you were there the thought of standing on a podium with a gold medal around your neck seemed all too sweet- though you knew you couldn't get too cocky, that would end up being your downfall. 'Don't underestimate, always try your hardest.' You reminded yourself.

Ahead of you you could vaguely see a deep, black pit with several platforms of rock dotted around the centre. It didn't seem too wide in comparison to the body you were in, so you sped up and clenched your metal fist around your body, making sure you were safely cocooned inside. Nobody else was there yet, so the obstacle wasn't introduced, but you already knew what you had to do.

You launched yourself off the side of the cliff and soared across it, making it about ¾ of the way before you started falling. You knew you wouldn't make it inside the robot, so you pulled your balled up fist back and threw your real body the rest of the way there, returning consciousness when the robot crashed into some of the platforms. Coming to just before you were about to hit the ground, you braced yourself just in time to correctly absorb the shock of the fall and roll in a safe landing. Turning back, you saw Todoroki and some of the other contestants approaching the obstacle, and quickly took off running.

A Spark of Hope [BNHA x Male! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now