[chapter 13]

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//ohoho whats this? updating twice in one day? how mediocre of me//

Everything was dark. An unnatural kind of dark- like the surrounding area didn't exist. You sat up, seeing that you were tucked into bed wearing a pair of childish dinosaur pyjamas. Everything seemed bigger to you. The bed you were in was clearly only a single, but it looked so much larger than the one in your dorm while you were sitting in it. The only thing that hadn't grown was you- if anything, you were smaller. Your tiny hands gripped the duvet covers in fear, and you saw the covers themselves had little cartoons of planets and stars on them.

Where were you? Were you in somebody else's body? You had to be- everything was so unfamiliar.

A bang sounded from below you, and your tiny form jolted. Was that what had woken you up? Your chest started to tighten out of anxiousness. You felt like you were in danger.

Footsteps could be heard in the distance, seemingly creaking against floorboards as though they weren't trying to be noticed, before a light flicked on and shined through what looked like the bottom of a door. That was now the only thing you could see, other than your bed and your small, chubby hands. The rest of the room was still enveloped in that dreaded blackness, so dark you couldn't see where the room started and ended. For all you knew, there were no walls or ceilings, just an endless expanse of black.

A grunt sounded from outside, before something heavy dropped to the floor and the clatter of something metallic could be heard. Another pair of footsteps ran past the door, quicker this time, and audibly went down a flight of stairs. There was a period of silence, an ear piercing shriek, and a thud.

Your heart was beating so loudly you could hear it in your ears. Every inch of your body wanted to get up and check what those noises were- whatever it was, you knew it couldn't be good. Against your better judgement, and being unable to move from fear, you stayed rooted to your bed and clung to the sheets in a desperate attempt at reassuring yourself.

Footsteps were now racing up the stairs. Your frazzled brain couldn't tell how many, it sounded more like one person running on all fours, but your breathing quickened to panicked hyperventilating either way.

'Remember,' a voice suddenly rang through your head. It was female- you didn't know who's, but it was soothing and made you relax. You trusted the voice. 'If you ever feel scared at night, just hide under your covers,' you could practically hear the smile as she spoke, a gentle tone lacing through her words and giving you courage. 'Monsters can't get you under the covers, it's their weakness. You're always safe there.' A giggle resonated through your head, and as the footsteps grew closer, you knew what you had to do.

You dove under your covers, curled your tiny body up into a ball and pulled them over your head with force, closing your eyes and holding your breath. The footsteps slowed as they reached the top of the stairs, before you heard a door being kicked open. Then another, and another, until you heard someone directly outside your own.

Tears began to cascade down your face when you heard wood thwacking against the wall behind you. Everything was silent for a moment, but you didn't dare breathe, or even move. A few seconds passed, and you began to think you were safe, until a deep chuckle echoed from the doorway.

It was low, and not the sort of chuckle you'd be used to. The sheer sadism and malice that dripped from it was telling that this person's intentions weren't good. It made you instinctively let out a quiet sob, leaving you feeling like nothing more than cornered prey.

"Ito Yasukazu?" The same voice called out, just as deep and menacing as its laugh. They way he said that name sent a chill down your spine- it was less like a question, and more like patronising mockering. Another chuckle resonated through the room, and the floorboards began creaking. "Yasu-chan?" His now sickly sweet tone rang out from directly behind you; he was so close you could almost feel the warmth of his breath on your back.

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