[chapter 9]

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//u get a nice heart to heart with viktoriya in this chapter bless i lov character development// 

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful for you- no runs-ins with third years by the stairs so far, so all seemed good in your world. At least, until you re-approached your classroom at the end of school after a bathroom break and saw a large group of people crowding around the door. How were you supposed to get in now? Grumbling quietly to yourself, you took to trying to squeeze through under people's arms. Nobody noticed you for a while, until one of the older students caught on as to who you were.

"Hey!" He yelled out, grabbing you by the back of your collar and shoving you roughly against the wall with a livid expression. "You're one of those fuckin' villains that attacked the USJ! I saw you and those other kids with Nedzu!" You were scared for a moment, thinking this was the guy Natalie was talking about, but there were no stairs around and he didn't seem to be holding a phone, so your fear decreased.

"Please let me go. I'm not really interested in fighting you." You deadpanned, grabbing his wrist and trying to pull him off of you. A few people behind him snorted and laughed at him, which only resulted in him getting more angry. He let go of your shirt briefly, but only to move his hand to your throat and press against you even harder. Your eyes widened as you felt yourself struggling to breathe- he only seemed to be getting angrier.

"Shut up! The school's lost their minds letting in a bunch of villains! What about our safety?!" The half a dozen or so people who had broken away from the crowd terrorising class 1-a to support this guy in supposedly killing you all nodded and mumbled amongst themselves at his words. "You and those other assholes almost killed our teachers and underclassmen! And now you've got the nerve to walk around this school like you own it?!" This guy was getting way too angry for your liking- you had to get away from him. But how? Like you said, if you fought back in any way it would only reinforce their beliefs, so you guessed you'd just have to take it until a teacher came along.

"Dude, what are you doing?!" One of the students closer to the door shouted, earning you and your assailant the attention of everyone by the door.

"Don't give me that look! He's one of the villains! He deserves whatever he gets!" Wow, this was turning out to be a really eventful first day for you. Some of the students by the door started to glance at each other nervously- clearly they were unsure as to whether they should be with this guy or against him.

"He does look a little villainous..."

"He seems way too calm right now, it's freaky."

"Yeah, he's probably got something planned..."

Comments like that circled around you, each one seemingly prodding at an insecurity. You hated this. It felt like you were some kind of specimen at a zoo. You thought that one of the countless amount of people would have stepped in. Your eyes scanned over the crowd, eventually locking with ones belonging to a guy with purple hair and large dark circles. He simply looked at you for a moment, before he turned and began walking away.

Your stomach sank.

You felt sick.

Nobody was coming to the rescue.

Everyone thought you deserved this.

"Viktoriya was right..." You whispered quietly to yourself. The guy pinning you to the wall increased his grip.

"What was that, villain?" He mocked. You glared at him with as much passion you could muster up. If you want saving, you have to do it yourself.

Using whatever energy was stored in your body, you let out several large bolts of green sparks that fizzed around you and shocked a few people standing by, making them stumble back in pain. The one who got the worst of it was the guy holding your neck- he spasmed for a moment, before letting out a scream and letting go of your throat, taking his hands back to see they were scorched red and bleeding. You let out a gasp as you tried to take in as much air as you could, letting out a glitched cough and leaning against the wall. People were now staring at you in terror, most of them not even daring to mutter to their friends about what you'd just done. You immediately regretted doing it- half because you were now truly a villain in their eyes, and half because you'd never felt so exhausted in your life. Using your last spurt of energy just because you were angry at that guy wasn't your smartest move.

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