[chapter 8]

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//okay the people have spoken!! aleksei is now a love interest lmao

im honestly really surprised that people like him i didnt expect it?? but it makes me happy knowing that people love my children so thank u guys so much- srsly reading your comments actually makes me grin like an idiot so keep em coming ;))

also speaking of my children im thinking about bringing in 2 more dudes from krovnyy later on so yea ;)))))) if u guys like them when they get here be sure to tell me ;)))))))))))))))))) if u kno what i mean ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

again thank u guys for everything and have a new chapter (im trying to update as much as i can before i go back to school next week lolol)//

The boy immediately jolted and flung himself off of you almost comically, stuttering out an apology as his hands flailed between being outstretched to help you up and covering his face in embarrassment. You ended up pulling yourself off the ground because whoever had knocked you down in the first place was way too flustered to actually help- even as you stood up he was still blubbering on about how sorry he was.

'He's gonna pop a blood vessel or something...' you thought, reaching out your own hand to pat his shoulder lightly. "It's fine, don't worry." Instead of calming down a little like you'd hoped he would, he shut down completely. His face paled, all communication stopped and he froze for a moment, staring at your face with the same kind of shock you'd have if someone proposed to you. The silence between you two went on for at least five seconds, which didn't sound too bad, but time seems to prolong itself when it's spent staring awkwardly into someone's eyes.

"Oh! Are you the new student?!" The pink girl who was previously chasing the boy you held prisoner with your gaze suddenly grabbed her notebook back and leaned against him to get a closer look at your face. You flinched and nodded, taking your hand back and stepping away from her slightly. "I'm Ashido Mina! This is Sero Hanta, sorry about him again," she grinned at you. You opened your mouth to speak, but were abruptly cut off by the same blonde guy with the electricity quirk.

"Headphones guy!!" He shouted, pointing at you accusingly as the red-head nudged him roughly.

"Dude," he commented, shaking his head in disappointment at his friend. A wave of embarrassment washed over you and you looked at him in shame, clearing your throat as you rubbed the back of your neck.

"I'm sorry about the headphones. I'll buy you a new pair, if you'd like..." Granted, you didn't know where to buy them or if you even had any money, but you were determined to make it up to him if he was still upset. You expected him to continue being angry at you, but instead he shut up entirely, curling his hand back towards him as his face reddened in shock.

"I-it's fine... The support department is already fixing them..." He explained, suddenly going quiet and slouching over in his chair. You opted to ignore his strange behaviour, assuming that everyone in your class was just a little weird, and glanced around the room looking for an empty desk to sit at. There was one right at the back of the room that created a new row all to itself- it looked painfully out of place, so you could only assume that it was yours.

Since your plan to be inconspicuous had failed, you decided to try and at least see it through to the end by quickly scampering over to your desk and sitting down without another word. You sat in the desk, ending up right behind a girl with a spiky black ponytail who seemed to be writing notes on something. She seemed calm, so you immediately took a liking to her and allowed yourself to get more comfortable in your chair. Ashido and Sero had already sat down themselves, the only person standing up was now a tall boy wearing glasses who was at the front of the class.

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