[chapter 5]

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//this chapters mostly just bios rip im sorry//


Code: H24

Name: Aleksei Vasiliev

Gender: Male

Age: 16, born August 7th

Quirk: Sound-clap (can emit a sonic wave loud enough to deafen a human and shatter glass when he claps, intensity depends on the strength of the clap)

Hair: Red

Eyes: Brown

Height: 195cm

Mother: June Vasiliev (quirk: sound-clap)

Father: Piotr Vasiliev (quirk: stomp- can cause earthquakes via smashing the ground with his hands or feet)

Siblings: N/A

Nationality: Russian/English


Power: 5

Speed: 2

Technique: 4

Intelligence: 3

Cooperativeness: 3

Background info: Born to a pair of villain parents- they brought him in for training at the age of 4 after he developed his quirk. They will return for him after his 18th birthday.

Warnings: He must be shackled at all times to ensure unwarranted use of his quirk.

Attitude: Usually calm, but has his moments of rebellion. Was involved in several escape plots and has frequent run-ins with guards. Has been shocked a total of 119 times, most of them being after he has won against another student in a battle and is ordered to finish them off. Very brave and quick to stand up for himself or others- too honourable for our liking. He has a long way to go.

Code: D5

Name: Viktoriya Kholodov

Gender: Female

Age: 17, born March 10th

Quirk: Voodoo doll (can control someone's movements at will after ingesting their DNA, and can inflict wounds onto them. If she is using her quirk, the wound she causes on herself will heal up automatically, but will stay on the victim)

Hair: Blue (naturally)

Eyes: Red

Height: 180cm

Mother: Svetlana Kholodov (quirk: voodoo doll)

Father: Unknown

Siblings: Nikolas Kholodov

Nationality: Russian


Power: 2

Speed: 2

Technique: 5

Intelligence: 4

Cooperativeness: 1

Background info: Her mother was born into a family of villains and was raped by somebody close to her. Because of this, she couldn't bring herself to raise D5 and left her here at her parents' suggestion. She is not returning for her daughter.

Warnings: Must be restrained at all times in a straight jacket and mouth guard to ensure she has no access to anyone's DNA and cannot inflict wounds on herself. No unnecessary contact with other students or guards.

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