[chapter 16]

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((im so bad at fight scenes i want to die))

You were taking a break from the break room- everyone in there was so loud it made you nauseous. You weren't all that hungry, either. Kirishima had invited you to sit with him, but you declined to go and explore the stadium. It wasn't like you were the only person skipping out on lunch.

Approaching another vending machine, you opted to drain its energy and store it up for later. Whatever the final event was, you felt that you'd be needing it. Somehow, you didn't feel all that tired after expelling so much energy during the cavalry battle, even though some of it had to be from your body's own supply. You still had yet to find out why your body had been acting so strangely ever since you'd started training. Maybe it was your quirk developing? You knew quirks grew stronger the more you practised with them, so maybe that was why. Not that you'd experienced much trouble with it today- your mental possession was better than ever, and the energy your body expelled was more strong and powerful than anything you'd managed to conjure up before.

It seemed like your quirk was developing nicely, there wasn't anything to worry about: Is what you told yourself- though you couldn't help but feel cautious about something. You had a bad feeling. What it was about was beyond you, but you knew something was going to happen.

"[M/n]?" A voice cut you away from your thoughts, and you drew your hand back from the vending machine to see Aleksei. Your chest tightened a little at the sight of him- it had been at least a week since you'd last spoken; you were both so busy with training for the sports festival that you couldn't find time for each other. He smiled at you and laughed. "God, you look sweaty," You glared and rolled your eyes.

"You're not much better off." You mumbled. Aleksei glanced down at his soaking wet shirt and chuckled.

"Yeah, you've got a point. How's the sports festival been for you so far?" He moved to lean against a wall, you following and sitting down next to him with a sigh.

"Good, I suppose." You replied. Aleksei nodded and copied your action, sliding down the wall and slumping against it with his long legs sprawled out in front of him.

"How good? I placed ninth and third in the first two events." He grinned cockily, running a hand through his messy fringe.

"I got first place in both." You said casually, causing him to choke on air.

"Seriously? [M/n], that's amazing!" He smiled so widely you thought his face would split and slapped your shoulder.

"It wasn't that cool, really. There were robots in the first event, so I possessed one and won that way. And we were all in teams in the second event, so I didn't really do much. I just had cool teammates." You explained, earning a sigh from Aleksei.

"You're allowed to give yourself credit, you know. Teammates or not, you still got first place. Anyway, good luck for the last event. I heard it's gonna be something like one-on-one battles." Aleksei slapped a hand on your shoulder again as he stood up. "I should probably get going, we've only got a couple minutes of lunch left. Good luck, [M/n]!" He gave you another one of those weirdly heartwarming smiles before retreating in a slight jog. You simply stayed on the floor for a while and stared after him.

One-on-one battles? How was he so cool with that? Even now your mind was filling up with horrific memories of those battles you had at the institute. You'd never fought against someone without the intent to kill them, so you weren't sure how well this was going to go for whoever you were up against. That is, assuming the last event was actually one-on-one battles. There was still a slight chance your year would be doing something else, so you had to hope and pray with everything you had that you wouldn't be doing those.

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