[chapter 10]

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//just putting ^ there bc that was literally all of u when i asked if i should kill aleksei off in that A/N lmao i was laughing so fuckin hard at ur comments tbh//

//also oof after 9 chapters ur finally talking to the actual characters from the fuckinf show im sorry//

You assumed your class would be back in the dorms by now, so you made your way over there as quickly as you could on foot. You could have used your quirk on any other day, but because of your reckless use of energy you were left fatigued with just enough strength to walk across campus. By the time you reached the entrance of your dorm building your legs were ready to give out and you were nearly shaking with exhaustion, but you knew you needed to try and explain yourself to your classmates, even if this was essentially going to be your first full conversation with them.

Entering the first floor, you noticed everyone was either in the living room or kitchen areas doing their own thing, though everyone's attention was brought to you when you let the door shut. You shifted under everyone's gaze, and they grew increasingly nervous under yours. 'I have to do this,' you reminded yourself, beginning the walk towards the couch that seemed to take longer than what you remembered. You had to apologise to Bakugou first.

"Bakugou-san," you called out, standing behind the couch with your hand resting next to his head. He turned and met you with a glare.

"What?" He snapped out with a snarl. It wasn't his usual angry shout like you'd seen him doing practically the entire day- this was low, quiet and full of malice. You suddenly felt even more nervous than before.

"I- I wanted to apologise for what you had to see earlier... I promise it wasn't what it looked like," you said softly, earning only a growl from him as he turned and leaned over the back of the couch, his face towering above you.

"Oh? Cause it looked like you attacking a bunch of students." He glared furiously at you. You swallowed and stepped back a little as other people started questioning what he was talking about.

"That's not the whole story, I swear. I'd never-"

"What? You'd never attack a bunch of students? That's fucking interesting, weren't you the one preventing us from calling for help during the USJ attack? You're half the reason Aizawa-sensei's covered head to fucking foot in bandages!" Bakugou was starting to get louder- you knew he was going to come for you if you didn't diffuse him quickly.

"I'm sorry, but I had no choice during the USJ attack. I was following orders so I didn't die, just like everyone else from Krovnyy-Dom. As for the students, I didn't do that for no reas-"

"I don't give a fuck if you were 'following orders'! If following orders is more important to you than someone's life, maybe you should've just let yourself fucking die!" You really weren't getting anywhere with him. You wondered if he was always like this? As for the death threat, it didn't really phase you. It was one thing to tell someone to die and another thing to actually do it, so you told yourself not to get concerned until he launched himself off that couch to kill you.

"W-woah, man. I think you're going a little overboard. Just let him explain-" The redhead perked up, trying to calm Bakugou down, only to be cut off by the same person.

"Shut up, shitty hair!" You sighed. You'd have to be a bit more forceful if you were going to get through to him- acting all meek wasn't going to get you anywhere. You just weren't entirely sure how to be 'forceful'. Maybe you could... Channel Vik? Yeah, put yourself in Vik's shoes, what would she do? Probably kill him. Alright, what would Vik do if she was slightly more calm and collected?

"Listen, Bakugou," you raised your voice slightly, earning his attention through another glare. "First off, even if I didn't block out the signal, they would've found some other way to do it, so it's not like I was the be all and end all for that mission. Secondly, if I refused to help they would've just activated a chip I had in my neck at the time," you pulled down your collar slightly to reveal a large scar where the implant used to be. "One press of a button and a needle would've pierced a nerve connected to an artery that controlled the blood flow to my brain. I couldn't rebel while I had the chip in because they would've killed me at the first sign of resistance. Shut up." You interrupted him before he even had the chance to speak when he began opening his mouth again. "Thirdly, I let off a burst of electrical energy because some guy had me against a wall by my throat. He was choking me out because I was a villain and nobody was doing anything to stop him, so I got myself out. That's my explanation." You let out a heavy sigh after you were done- seeing that Bakugou was left speechless for a moment. You kind of liked being forceful if this was the outcome.

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