Chapter 2

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"Jamie, jangan di ranjang!"

Liam menghela nafas kasar melihat tingkah anak laki-laki berusia 3 tahun itu yang kini melompat di ranjangnya. Ia lalu mengambil Jamie lalu menggendongnya keluar kamar.

"Jangan melompat-lompat seperti tadi, son. Jika kau nanti terjatuh, bagaimana? Kau mau masuk rumah sakit lagi?" ujar Liam perlahan agar Jamie mengerti.

"Daddy, aku mau bermain trampoline!" rengek Jamie sambil menunjukkan wajah cemberutnya.

"Tidak ada trampoline disini, Jamie. Kau jangan mengada-ada." jawab Liam.

Liam menurunkan Jamie di ruangan bermainnya. "Sekarang, kau bermain dengan mainan yang sudah daddy belikan. Satu lagi, jangan bermain trampoline."

Jamie menghentakkan kakinya kesal. "Kenapa, daddy?! Uncle Zayn bahkan mengizinkanku bermain trampoline besar di rumahnya."

What the... Liam mengumpat dalam hati. Ia akan memarahi Zayn setelah ini. Dasar, Zayn! Jika terjadi sesuatu dengan Jamie, dengan senang hati ia menggunting rambut Zayn sampai botak.

"Aku mohon, daddy. Kita ke rumah uncle Zayn. Please..." Jamie menunjukkan puppy eyes andalannya. Ia tahu, ayahnya akan menuruti keinginannya.

"Baiklah. Kau boleh bermain dengan benda konyol itu. Kita akan membelinya sekarang. Dan kau boleh bermain sepuasnya disini." ucap Liam kemudian disusul teriakan Jamie.

"Daddy memang yang terbaik. Aku sayang daddy." Jamie memeluk Liam erat.

"Aku juga menyayangimu, Jamie." ujar Liam tersenyum.


Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there
The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air
It's hard

Yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running round
It's funny how things never change in this old town
So far from the stars

And I want to tell you everything
The words I never got to say the first time around
And I remember everything
From when we were the children playing in this fairground
Wish I was there with you now

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you

I saw that you moved on with someone new
In the pub that we met he's got his arms around you
It's so hard
So hard

And I want to tell you everything
The words I never got to say the first time around
And I remember everything
From when we were the children playing in this fairground
Wish I was there with you now

As if the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
You still make me nervous when you walk in the room
Them butterflies they come alive when I'm next to you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you

And I know that it's wrong
That I can't move on
But there's something about you

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
You still make me nervous when you walk in the room
Them butterflies they come alive when I'm next to you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
Everything comes back to you

Everything Has Changed [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang