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Author Note; I'm so incredibly grateful that you all still read this and I'm thanking you all for the continuous support !!  This first chapter was written when I was about 13/14?? So it's NOT great but please continue to read as it gets better <3


Draco had recently broke up with Harry due to family issues, he didn't want to hurt Harry but he was at risk of being caught and seriously punished.

He would be a disappointment to the Malfoy family...and loved Harry, he really did and always will love him but his name was apparently more important.

Draco began noticing that Harry had not been attending many classes or meals. They were paired together in potions class but since the break up he hadn't been at a single one. Snape also began to notice his disappearance.

One day, in the great hall, Draco had seen Harry practically inhale his food and then head to what he presumed was the Gryffindor common room or his dormitory.

Draco decided to follow him, as he knew the passwords to the rooms. Once he arrived at Harry's room, which he shared with Ron, he hesitated on opening the door. He heard soft singing and the sound of a guitar being strummed against delicate fingers, Draco slowly opened the door making sure to be as quiet as possible and sat down on the couch near Harry's bed, his back was facing Draco. He recognized the song he was playing. It was a love song called 'Photograph' by a muggle Harry liked.

Draco kept listening, every word pierced his body and sent shivers through him.

'And if you hurt me,
That's okay, baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go'

Harry stopped singing and soon enough sobbing could be heard, Draco came up behind him and got onto the bed and sat next to him. Harry turned his body weakly, to see Draco, sat there, face looking down at the silk bed sheets.

"I'm sorry" is all Draco managed to squeak out.

He lifted his head to look at Harry and noticed he still had the picture of them on the table next to his bed and he was wearing the gold necklace Draco bought him for his birthday.

"I never wanted to let you go" He whispered.

Harry was still crying and shaking as he stared at the boy he loved.
Draco met his eyes and leaned forward connecting their lips in a soft, sweet kiss.

He'd missed this.

Harry pulled away smiling and sat in Draco's lap, they sat there for hours, Draco played with Harrys hair until he got sleepy.

"I missed you Potter, I'm so sorry." he said, almost so quiet it couldn't be
heard, he leaned down and kissed Harry's forehead.

Harry softly nodded to the statement Draco made, accepting his apology before drifting off into sleep, feeling safe and smiling with the boy he loved.

PS. I don't even like Ed Sheeren...

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