Daily Prophet 01.

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That day, as the sun began to rise. Draco entered the great hall, greeted with the scent of bacon and butter.

He made his way over to the Slytherin table, smiling softly to Harry on his way and patting Pansy on the back as he sat down.

"Letters here Draco. It's from your father" Pansy said, placing the letter on Draco's plate.

Draco inhaled a sharp breath and reached out for the letter with shaking hands. He dug his fingers under the paper and ripped it open.

I'm almost appalled at what I've seen in the paper. Your mother has tried her best to not have me send this letter, but I feel the need to let you know I'm disappointed. I'm not angry, nor am I going to hurt you in anyway but for now it's best if you don't come home for Christmas. Your mother and I will send a gift.

See you in the summer

Draco dropped the letter on the table and held his head in his hands. His father had practically disowned him and he'd probably never see Narcissa again let alone speak to her.

He abruptly stood up, knocking his goblet over and pushing past Blaise and out the hall.

He heard scuffling behind him and turned a corner into the nearest bathroom, running into a cubicle and locking it instantly.

It was clear to Draco that someone had followed him. He had expected it to be Blaise, or maybe even Pansy since she never cared about gendered bathrooms.

Instead of hearing the grumble of Blaise or aggressive speech from Pansy, he heard something else.


It was Harry. And Draco couldn't help but smile and unlock the door. Engulfing Harry into a tight hug.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked

"Almost" Draco replied

"What do you mean...almost?" Harry questioned letting Draco go

"Well, you see, father has seen the paper and his letter was delivered this morning. He's kicked me out till summer. But I'm okay, you're here and mothers furious" Draco said, a smile tugging at his lip.

"Where will you go for Christmas then?"

"Probably stay here with Snape. He's my Godfather so it would make sense"

Harry couldn't help but shiver. Snape ? He seriously needed to pay more attention.

He chuckled at himself before saying "you could always come stay at mine. Mum and dad won't mind. Plus Sirius and Remus will be over, they come every year" Harry finished with a smile, he missed his family greatly.

"That's sweet of you, I'll check, I'm sure Snape wouldn't care"

And with that they both burst into tears of laughter. What was it about that sentence Draco had said? For some reason it was hilarious and they ended up on the floor by the sinks.

"Oh Draco you crack me up babe" Harry said, wiping a tear from under his eye and flopping his head onto Draco's lap.

Draco grabbed a lock of Harry's hair and twirled it in between his fingers we he admired Harry who was now nearly asleep.

He bent down and kissed Harry softly, which to Draco's surprise was returned by Harry smiling into it and licking his lips.

Draco and Harry both laughed again. They continued to sit in silence in the bathroom for as long as they needed.

Harry snoring slightly and Draco still rubbing his hands through Harry's hair.

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