Kiss Cam.

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once again this doesn't follow any specific timeline! although it is technically 6th year.

Today was a Quidditch match. Gryffindor versus Slytherin. This match was the last of the season and determined who won the Quidditch cup that year.

The weather was nice for the match, it wasn't raining or dark although it was exceptionally cold.

The Gryffindor team consisted of Ron as keeper, Fred and George as beaters, Angelina, Katie and Ginny as chasers and Harry as seeker.

On the slytherin team there was Goyle and Crabbe as beaters, Malfoy as seeker, Zabini, montague and Warrington as chasers, and Bletchley as keeper.

They had all changed into their Quidditch robes, Angelina giving them a team speech - something along the lines of 'play fair, we want a smooth game and to win!' - and exiting the changing rooms to walk to the pitch. Each player with their brooms over their shoulders.

All the players on the Gryffindor team had different brooms. The Weasley twins and Ginny had Cleansweep fives, Ron had a Cleansweep 11 that he got when he was made prefect. Katie had a Comet Two Sixty and Angelina had a Nimbus 2000. Harry had the most expensive broom; a Firebolt.

The slytherin team all had Nimbus 2001s, having kept them all off previous team members. They were originally a gift from Lucius Malfoy in 2nd year.
When the teams entered the pitch, they took their positions and waited for Madam Hooch. The stands of people were already screaming, singing and cheering. Most of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were holding up banners and wearing Gold and scarlet to support Gryffindor.

The air around them was chilly. It nipped at their ears, noses and hands causing them to go red. Harry hoped it wouldn't start raining mid match.

Harry looked around and saw Luna wearing a giant lion hat and Hermione was dressed up in her scarf and hat smiling and talking to Seamus. He looked over to the teachers and noticed Lucius Malfoy sat in the middle next to Snape, wearing a black ushanka hat and a smirk on his face.

To the right of the teachers stand Harry noticed there was a giant screen and he turned around, poking Ron to get his attention.

"Hey, Ron? What do you suppose they have a big screen up for?" Harry asked, fixing his robes slightly. 

"Not sure mate, could be anything" Ron said, looking from Hermione to the screen.

The rest of the players on both teams also seemed to noticed the screen and began chatting amongst themselves. Harry could have sworn he heard Draco talking about how it was 'something Muggles had. What are they doing putting crap like that in our school?'

Madam Hooch finally came striding out with a whistle between her teeth. She walked to the middle of the pitch and opened the box. She let out the snitch. Harry watched it flying around before it disappeared from sight. She then got the quaffle throwing it into the air blowing her whistle while everybody kicked off from the ground. Once Katie caught it, passing it to Angelina, Madam Hooch let out the bludgers. Fred and George zoomed past Harry and proceeded to hit them into the Slytherins direction.

Harry searched the pitch until he saw Malfoy by the side watching. Harry was doing the same for a while until Gryffindor scored 30.

He then flew down, missing a bludger and speeding around the pitch. He knew Slytherin were not going to score quite yet and he just wanted to feel the cold wind on his skin and relax.

But Malfoy followed him.

Harry looked behind him and saw the pale boy, wearing the same smirk his father wore. His cheeks were coloured red and his eyes were more blue than silver.

He looked so soft.

Harry forgot he was flying for a split second and quickly pulled his broom sideways so he wouldn't crash into the stand he was headed towards. He wasn't paying attention but he knew the Slytherins had not scored yet, as all the fans seemed to be sulky. Pansy wasn't even looking at the pitch anymore.

More cheers erupted from the other houses and Harry soon realised it was not because they scored. He turned around and saw what people were gawping at.

On the big screen he saw George and Angelina, he was holding her face softly and her hands were behind his neck. He was kissing her hard and she kept smiling. Harry couldn't help but smile at them, he wanted feel something.

Everyone was still cheering at them before they broke off when a bludger was heading their way. George hit it and Angelina flew away to take the Quaffle from Ginny.

They scored again. 50. 

Harry could look for the snitch now. Malfoy did the same.

He flew up to observe the pitch, his eyes scanned around and spotting the small shiny snitch, only for it to disappear a second later and the crowed yet again bursting into screams.

This time when Harry looked at the big screen he saw that Ron had left his hoop and was flying over to Hermione. When he reached her he crashed his lips on hers roughly, his tongue was visibly entering her mouth, she laughed and pulled him by his neck, connecting their lips again and everybody began to cheer. Multiple wolf whistles were heard.

Yet again, Harry's stomach lurched. He wanted that. He wasn't sure with who... Draco.

This time he ignored the screen abruptly and flew down, his robes flowing behind him. Malfoy followed him coming up next to him. He winked at him and Harry's heart fell to his feet. His face flushed scarlet, matching his robes.

The cheers erupted again and Harry looked at Malfoy then to the big screen to see who would be falling for each other this time. But to his surprise, he saw himself.

And Malfoy...

Harry looked at Malfoy, his face grew even more red and panicked.
"Draco, I don't know- I'm not- why are w-?" But Harry was cut off. He felt soft lips press against his. Draco was kissing him. Harry deepened the kiss, snaking his arms around the other boys neck. Draco's Hands left his broom and he placed them softly on Harry's face, he smiled and kissed him again.

When he pulled away Harry felt cold, the warmth had left him. He stared at Draco dumbfounded, that really just happened. 

Draco smiled at him with his teeth showing "meet me after the match Potter" he said before flying off to search for the snitch. Harry did the same and followed Malfoy.

The look on Snape and Lucius' face when Potter and Malfoy had made out in front of the whole school was amazing. They both smiled, Lucius standing up to fist bump the air and yelling. Snape stayed sitting but smiled, "I knew it! Give me he galleons" 

Harry laughed at them and spotted the snitch in the corner, he quickly flew forwards and his hand grasped around the small golden ball. The crowd yet again cheered and screamed.

Madam Hooch blew the whistle and the game was over.

Gryffindor has won and Harry couldn't be happier.

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