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tw: mild nsfw 

It was Harry's 21st birthday and Draco was going to surprise him with breakfast in bed. He had just managed to escape Harry's strong grasp, his arm held tightly around Draco. He was careful not to wake him, although he's stirred a bit before turning his back to the other.

Draco tiptoed down the stairs being careful on each step making sure he made no noise. They lived together in a small house in the country side in southwest England. They had confessed their love to one another after the Battle Of Hogwarts, Draco leaving his parents and running away with Harry. He often sent letters to his mother though, who he admired dearly.

Once Draco reached the bottom of the stairs, Snuffles began to wag his thick tail and bark, jumping up to see Draco. 

"Sh! Down boy, now" 

The dog had stopped yapping and quietly followed Draco through to the kitchen where he tried to make as little noise possible although getting pots, pans and dishes out of several cupboards along with ingredients for pancakes and tea seemed more difficult than Draco had wished. He had to do everything slowly so nothing would make a loud noise and wake his sleeping boyfriend. 

Snuffles was by Draco's feet, pawing at his leg while he took a plate from the cupboard on his right and a pan from his left. He got all the ingredients from the cupboard near his leg muttering a small 'sorry' to Snuffles and used his wand to pour and stir certain things.

"Come on Snuffles" Draco said as he and the small black dog left the kitchen to go sit in the living room while the oatmeal  was left cooking and pancakes were cooling. He flipped through the channels on the tv finding nothing interesting and slowly felt himself falling asleep. 

Little did Draco know.

About an half an hour later Draco woke up to an ear piercing screech.

The fire alarm had gone off... 

"Shit" he muttered "shit" and ran off to the kitchen finding the room smothered from top to bottom in smoke. He turned off the fire alarm.

"Holy shit" he muttered again slightly laughing at his stupidity and ran over to the stove turning everything off and grabbing a towel, waving it around to shift smoke out the window.

"Baby what the-" 

Draco turned around and saw Harry stood by the door frame in just black tracksuit pants that hung just below his v-line, messy hair and a smirk on his face. Draco flushed bright red. 

Harry walked towards him, grabbing his waist roughly and pulling him forwards into a hard kiss.
"What ? What were you even trying to do?" Harry asked, pulling away first and laughing.
"I just wanted to make you something, you know... Happy birthday!" Draco sighed, throwing his arms into the air. Harry rolled his eyes and grabbed Draco's cheeks kissing him softer than the first kiss.

"I'm sorry I woke you" Draco whispered, Harry laughed and took Draco's wrists. Pulling him upstairs and leaving Snuffles sadly in the living room.

He pushed open their bedroom door and shut it again once Draco was inside.
Harry smirked at Draco, pushing him slightly before slamming him into the wall and kissing him roughly.

He glided his tongue over the other boys lip before exploring his mouth, Dracos hands fell onto Harry's butt, squeezing it, making him laugh. 

Draco picked up Harry, dropping him on to  their bed and climbing on top of him, pressing his lips to the boys neck. He moaned and tilted his head to give Draco more room.

Draco kissed, sucked and bit at his neck, leaving several marks.
"Mmhm babe, I-" harry began
"Sshhh" Draco placed a finger to Harry's lips, silencing him.
"No, babe I have-"

Draco sat up and watched Harry carefully. 

"I have work, the ministry will not be pleased if I'm late, I've got auror duties to do" Harry barked, getting up and looking for his clothes "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout, we can continue this later. Promise"
" and all?" Draco muttered, getting up to leave the room and sit with Snuffles again.

"Toys and all" Harry kissed Draco's forehead and exited.

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