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again this does not fit or follow the actual time line. these two are around sixteen here.

Harry had just finished his match of quidditch against the Slytherin team (who they beat by 260-30 to Gryffindor) and the players all made their way to the changing rooms and showers. 

Harry and Draco had a bit of an argument on the pitch during time out and a penalty for the Slytherins was given. This caused Wood and the rest of the team to facepalm in a sigh of frustration.

"Good game everyone !" Wood shouted over the room and every one started clapping and whooping. It was sad to see that Oliver would no longer be a part of the team soon as he was leaving school.

Once the team was all washed and dressed into clothes other than their robes, they headed out to the hall to get lunch. However Harry decided to stay back, he just wanted to be in silence and nobody was in the changing rooms. It was just him and his thoughts.

He kept thinking about that argument he had with Draco. It was stupid really, it was only because they were both seekers trying to win.

Harry sat there on the bench by his locker for about 15 minutes before he got up and walked out of the changing rooms, greeted by fresh air and the sun hitting him casting warmth over his face.

 He made sure to lock up his broom and fix his glasses -that he often found broke- before leaving. He turned on his feet walking to the exit on the pitch.

The smell of fresh air had suddenly left his surroundings and he could now smell...tobacco, he wasn't sure why as wizards and witches had no idea what it was.

 He followed his nose to see if he could catch the culprit but when he turned around he saw a boy far too familiar with white-blonde hair and that gorgeous black suit...


Harry quickly hid himself and watched him carefully. Draco took out a small red and white box that Harry knew read Marlboro. He was curious as to how he got them, still watching him as he opened the box pulling out another cigarette and putting it between his lips and lighting it.

Harry admired him, he looked extremely hot from where he was hidden and decided to come out of hos hidden spot.

"Those things will kill you, I hope you know that" Harry hadn't realized he said it but made his way over to Draco.

"Why does that matter?" Draco said, smoke leaving his nostrils. 

"It doesn't... I was just curious how you got them" 

"Sit Potter. Lets talk" 

Harry nervously sat down against the wood of the pitch and Draco joined him, shuffling closer.

"Father and I took a trip to New York during Christmas. Saw a pack of these, so I stole them" Draco looked down at the package which only had five cigarettes remaining "kinda wish I had more" he said as he took another drag. 

"Has you Dad found out? Wouldn't he go mad?" 

"Yeah" Draco laughed, more smoke exiting his mouth "he would go ballistic but it's not like he'll ever know" 

"You'll be in serious trouble if he or the school finds out, I'm surprised they haven't already, you stink" Harry chuckled lightly and looked at Draco.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Draco pretended to be shocked and faintly punch Harry's arm. 

"Nothing" Harry rubbed his arm "I think it's hot" 

"You what?" 

"You...I think you're hot and you smoking is hotter"

There was a long awkward pause before Draco inhaled from the cigarette and turned to kiss Harry. Hard. He forced himself on top of harry, straddling his hips on the grass. He broke off and sat up, looking down at Harry.

"I think you're hot all the time Harry" Harry flinched slightly when Draco used his real name instead of the usual 'Potter', Draco winked and took another puff of his cigarette before leaning back down and holding Harry's cheeks, fag in hand and kissing him, running his tongue along his bottom lip and exploring his mouth. 

The next couple of months after this experience Harry and Draco would sneak off during school hours. No body knew about their relationship yet, but they enjoyed the adrenaline of hiding or bunking off. When they saw each other in the halls they would wink or smile. Nobody questioned it. They just did it.

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