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TW: Self harm. Suicidal thoughts.

Alone, that's how he felt. It didn't matter if his father was a death eater or his godfather was an ex member. None of that mattered, Draco fell into a deep depression after taking the dark mark.Harry had noticed this, nobody knew he had taken the mark but most people noticed he was grumpier than usual yet quiet, had a face of guilt and his eyes always glistened sadly.

Harry had thought about asking if he was okay, a lot of people seemed to be doing the same, but each time he would reply to them with the same sunken faced 'I'm fine' and continue his day. It had been like this for over a month now, he barely made an effort, he entered the hall a few minutes before breakfast ended, his hair messy, spiking up in several directions. His eyes were a dull grey and the bags under them were increasingly darker than the day before.

"Hermione" Harry started "do you ever think
about what's going on in somebody else's life?"
Hermione chortled. "Harry, what sort of question is that? Who could you possibly be thinking about" "Oh it's nothing" Harry looked around the hall anxiously and spotted Neville and Ron trudging over "i need to talk to Draco, can you help?" Hermione seemed a bit shocked and passed a note to Harry just as Neville and Ron sat down. The note read "meet me in the library at 4:30pm today, I can help you out"
"What are you two gossiping about?" Ron interrupted with a mouthful of bacon. "Learn some manners Ron, that's disgusting" Hermione winced.

And with that, Harry and Hermione left to there first class which was double potions with the Slytherins. Snapes favouritism was easily noticed in these classes and points were taken from Gryffindor for the stupidest of reasons, these classes were also Draco's favourite as he was truly snapes favourite student.

Harry took his seat and set up his potions equipment waiting for everybody to fill the room, Snape appeared out of the dark once the noise erupted and snapped his fingers yelling "silence!"

This had made Neville jump slightly in his chair and Pansy and Seamus giggled at the sight of the poor boy.

"Today, I will be pairing you up. You will not argue with me " Most of the class huffed and argued amongst themselves until they heard the snap of Snapes fingers and they fell silent again.

"Finnigan and Goyle you will be working together, Parkinson and Granger, Malfoy and Potter"

Draco didn't say anything, usually he would insist on working with somebody else and Snape being his godfather would have happily changed his partner.
Harry thought this would be the perfect opportunity to gain some sort of friendship or get a conversation going with Draco.

He made his way over to Draco's table as it was obvious Draco was not going to get up, he placed the list of ingredients on the desk and grabbed all the equipment needed.

"We will be brewing pepperup potions today, can anybody tell me what this potion cures?"
Hermione, being the smartest of the class, shot her hand up high in the air waving it manically, Snape ignored her. "Obviously nobody does, Malfoy?" He huffed. "No sir, sorry" his voice was almost drowned, it was incredibly quiet and not very confident. Malfoy usually knew the answers, whether he raised his hand or not. Snape carried on with the lesson, explaining what a pepperup potion was.

Harry lifted his head and looked at Draco, his blonde hair flopped lazily in front of his eyes and his hands shook over his quill as he took notes as Snape spoke, this made his handwriting more scruffy.
Harry had realised he had been staring for so long until Draco looked up and caught his eyes.

"Why are you staring Potter?" He asked softly
with a slight bit of anger in his tone.
"Sorry, I got distracted" Harry felt his face get hot and noticed Draco's face tug into a small smile. "You're smiling !" Harry almost squealed "I'm sorry that was weird" he swore he heard Draco chuckle softly but didn't question it so he got up and went to the shelves at the back of the room and gathered the required ingredients, things such as bicorn horn and salamander blood. He brought everything back to the table and waited for Snape to let them start brewing.

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