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most of the timing in this is wrong and the characters are all in the wrong years. sorry about that!

The emergency wing doors flew open with an aggressive shove.

"Where is he?" Draco screamed, panic plastered across his pale face and tears threatening to pour down his already stained cheeks.

"Draco! Calm down please" Hermione pleaded, helping Draco steady his breathing.

Blaise Zabini had been against Harry in a quidditch match. Zabini at the time had been a seeker before moving into the chasers position. During the match Zabini had been pushing against Harry to catch the golden snitch, shoving him harder each time until Harry finally fell off his broom, 20 feet to the ground, landing almost head first leaving him unconscious.

"Look Granger.." Draco started, biting his lip to stop more tears falling. "Is he awake? Can I see him?" 

"He's still...." she stopped, seeing Draco breath heavily and move his feet uncomfortably. "See for yourself" She said, stepping aside. Draco inhaled again and let out a shaky sigh and made his way to Harry.

He stood there, like time had stopped, frozen almost. He looked down at Harry, he couldn't believe this was his boyfriend, laying there lifeless and cold and all because of Zabini.

The bed covers were smoothly placed over him, stopping at his chest, his hands limply at his sides and his face was pale. His glasses were placed on a small table next to his body, but one thing in particular stood out to Draco. Harry had a massive gash across his forehead almost meeting his scar.

"I will fucking kill Zabini when I see him" Draco muttered to himself before screaming out and crashing down on the floor into a pile of sobs that echoed throughout there room.

Hermione has gone to find Ron before returning to where she left Draco and Harry, Pomfey sat across from them incase.

Hermione burst through the room when she heard the sobs, Ron huffing at her side. "Mate! Are you alright?" He choked out and made his way over to the sobbing boy on the floor. Draco sniffed and rubbed his nose on his already dirty robes. 

"I'm okay, where's Zabini? I need to kick his ass" 

"He's talking with professor Snape and McGonagall, he hurt Harry a lot and if he doesn't wake soon, he will be punished, maybe expelled" Hermione finished and Draco let out a sigh of relief, He never liked Zabini and would be grateful if he was gone.

Time went by, not quick though and teachers and healers came to check on both Harry and Draco, they told him he didn't have to attend classes until Harry woke up, but he was to catch up with Snape after.

Draco spent most of his time in the emergency wing with Harry. He would occasionally leave to meet with Crabbe and Goyle, eat or use the bathroom. He didn't sleep in his dorm incase Harry woke up, he wanted to be there when it happened.

One night, as fog began settling, Snape had come to chat with Draco. Nothing serious, just something for potions class. That night Draco sat in the same chair, tattered, torn and had that gross greyish blue colour to it. 

He sat there, a dull colour to his eyes and his hand was laced with Harry's, his thumb caressed his knuckles and every now and then he would squeeze it, a sign of reassurance, even if Harry couldn't feel it, he'd convince himself otherwise.

Tonight was different though. That reassurance squeeze was returned. Draco was shocked. Harry softly squeezed Draco's hand and as Draco looked up, Harry's eyes twitched and began to open.

"Oh my god... baby! Can you hear me?" Draco whispered tearing up slightly and forcing himself to sit up. Harry nodded and motioned for water. Draco gave him the glass from the table to him. 

Harry downed the glass and began talking. "What happened to Blaise and how long was I out for? What classes did I miss? Where's Hermione and Ron?"

"Harry, Calm" Draco laughed "you've been out a couple days. Zabinis been expelled after causing a lot of damage to you. Hermione and Ron are doing fine I'll get them soon and you haven't missed out anything. Okay, we're going to meet with Snape to catch up soon"
Harry smiled "I'm glad he was expelled, he's a douche, I would have hexed him" He chuckled "I missed you, I'm glad you're finally awake" Draco got up and kissed Harry sweetly "I love you, don't scare me like that again ! Promise me Potter?"

"I promise you Malfoy" 

And with that, they shared another kiss and Draco went to find professor McGonagall.

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