Band Camp

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"Alright guys lets form a giant circle in the middle of the field. I want everyone participating, we have a long week ahead of us and I really don't feel like sending anyone to the emergency room." My band directors voice boomed over the portable speaker squeaking with static. I fall in line next to a freshman on my left and some senior I know vaguely on my right. The drum majors gather in the middle and start our stretches.
"Alright everyone give me 10 lunges!" In my third year of marching band this is basically a routine now. I drop low into a lunge that makes my summer-stiff muscles ache and strain. Then all 90 of us begin to count to ten. If you close your eyes it kind of sounds like a cult chant. 
I chuckle to myself.
Across the field I make eye contact with Lilly and stick out my tongue. And in response the bird and a sarcastic smile.
"Gabriella isn't it? Let's focus on what we're supposed to be doing please." A soft but stern voice comes from my right. I look over but her focus is still at the center. I huff but continue my stretches in silence.
About 10 minutes later after stretching we're told to help the newbies find their section and start warming up. Of course naturally I zip straight to Lilly and stand around talking for as long as possible.
"How much do you want to bet Mr. Bam looks at the weather reports every year and specifically picks the hottest week in summer?"
"I'd put money on it." We walk towards the large group of flutes standing off to the side and my chest sinks. Senior girl from before has a piccolo in her hand and her blue eyes fixed on me.
"Who is that?" I whisper to Lilly and nod towards her.
"She's the new section leader. She switched from clarinet"
"Damn and she's already playing piccolo?" This won't be good.
"Yeah I heard she plays like 10 different instruments. But she always keeps to herself. She's just stuck up." We grow silent as we join the group and instinctively stand next to each other.
"You're juniors right?" Blue eyes narrow. "I would think we could set a little bit better of an example by now for the younger ones. Stop wasting everyone's time." She turns before either of us could jump to defense. "My name is Maria and I'm going to be your section leader this year. Basically all that means is I'll be running sectionals and helping out where I can. I don't tolerate disrespect, and any of it goes straight to Mr. Bam. We're here to have fun and put on a great show, both of which are impossible to achieve without order and respect." A glance in our direction. Bitch. "That being said. Let's all play a B flat concert scale in half notes"

"Can you believe her? What a fucking psychopath." I ram my fist into the rotting wooden table sending ice cream droplets flying.
"She took one look at us and decided we were trouble makers." Lilly whines. Tan hands reach down to pinch her cheeks and I suppress a gag.
"I'm sure she's got her own issues. Just give her a chance and if it gets too bad go to Bam, I'm sure he'll do something. I mean Lilly, it's only your second year marching. And Gabbie, you almost got section leader. The only reason you didn't is because she's going to graduate this year." Mitch reminds me of a toothpick. He's tall and skinny and tan. Although I have to admit, when he and Lilly started dating freshmen year it was much worse. He's filled out a little since then. In all honesty Mitch and I never really got along. I mean we tolerated each other but he's always found a way to make me twitch. But, he makes Lilly happy, and that's all I care about.
"How dare she act like she's better than us. What a lunatic. Did you see the way she was starring us down during drill?" I'm fuming. If there's one thing I can't stand it's people who thing they're better than others.
"Honestly I can't wait until hell week is over. Then at least school will start and we won't have to see her 10 hours a day." Lilly checks the clock on her thin wrist and sighs heavily. "Almost 9 Mitch, we should get going." We say our goodbyes in front of the old ice cream shop standing directly halfway between our houses and drive off. When I get home I'm too tired to eat.

The next six days were a living hell. Maria was a nightmare and on top of that, drill sucked and it was blistering hot. By the time I got home every night my muscles ached so bad I opted to sleep on the couch instead of walking up the stairs to my room. Every night I stayed awake dreading the next day. What will she yell at me for tomorrow? What will she do to embarrass me this time? The world knew with her. But thankfully tomorrow is the band camp show and after that school will start and I'll only have to deal with her for an hour! Thank the fucking lord. I drift into a tossing sleep filled with dreams of heel-toe marching style and dark blue eyes.

2 hours late.
I woke up 2 hours late to the 30th call from Lilly and about a dozen text messages. "GABBIE WHERE ARE YOU? BAND CAMP SHOW STARTS IN THREE HOURS" - 8.27am. SHIT. I look at the time on my phone - 9.43am. SHIT! I fly off of the couch and crash to the floor pulling up my shorts in such a hurry that I later find out they're on backwards. I race around the house desperately searching for my band shirt that I'm supposed to wear today.
"EVERYONE is expected to wear their show shirts on Saturday. No show shirt, you don't march."  Maria had said only two days before.
Shit, we still had drill to learn today, I'm going to have to just go with it in the show. There's no time. WHERE IS MY BAND SHIRT?
It's no where to be found. Whatever I'll wear a different shirt and see if there's one I could borrow. I run out of the house and jump into my car without even brushing my teeth. 9.56am. I slam my foot down on the gas so hard my tire spins. Shit shit shit. Going at least 10 miles over the speed limit at all times I arrive at school with a half an hour to spare.
Oh my god I'm dead. Oh my god
Without thinking I fling my car door open which rams into another car leaving a nasty dent. I grit my teeth and sprint down the hill to the practice field. No time.
I get to the field just in time for a water break. Figures.
"Hey!" My head whips around. "Are you kidding me? Two and a half hours late on show day? What is wrong with you?" I'll give you one guess as to who was shoving her tiny nose in my face.
"I'm sorry my alarm must have gotten messed up, it never went off I-"
"I don't care. Two and a half hours late. I had people calling you and texting you. And nothing. We did over an hour of new drill that we're performing in less than an hour." Blue eyes of rage. "You know Gabriella, the world doesn't revolve around you. The sooner you get that through your head the better we'll get along. I don't have time to sit here and coddle-"
"STOP! You act like I care what you think Maria. I had a rough morning so what? It happens now and then. I'm here now, I'm prepared for the show. I got this. I don't need you butting your head in my shit every five seconds like some sort of obsessed parent."
"You're not marching. You might as well go back home." She turned to walk away but I caught her arm. She winced in pain. Nice. Play up the theatrics. Real 'mature'.
"What is your problem with me? Why do you act like you're so much better than I am?" Imagine steam coming out of my ears like some sort of old-timey cartoon. "The hell Im not marching. If you want to try to stop me you can take it up with Bam. I don't care if you're my section leader or not."
"You're immature Gabriella, and you're going no where in life." When she turns I let her.
"And for the twentieth fucking time this week, it's Gabbie." I call after her. "Asshole." 

Needless to say I didn't march and was nearly kicked out of band.

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