I Don't Feel so Well.

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Simons house was huge. A mansion, really. He disagreed.
"You've been to my house! It's so small compared to this."
"Smaller, yes. But at least your house actually feels like a home. There's too much room here." Simon confessed to his parents being away on a business trip, a common occurrence apparently. Even so, I didn't understand how anyone could get bored in a place like this.
Simon walked a few paces ahead to open the door for me. He had been waiting outside in the snow when my car pulled up.
I passed him through the door, noticing as his eyes linger a bit too long behind me.
I make a dangerous show of slowly shrugging off my jacket and handing it to him. Making sure to keep ahold of the small black bag hanging from my shoulder.
My back, all the way down to my hips, is exposed in a long V crisscross pattern. I turn to let him absorb my body, my legs, my hips.
"Your house is amazing." I say in a quiet voice, fully aware of his eyes on me.
This dress is foreign compared to my normal attire, whatever skin you can't see, you can make a good guess about. My curly hair hangs in ringlets poofed up in a loose afro that perfectly compliments the tight lace around my throat.
"What are you all dressed up for?" He steps around me, his arm brushing against mine.
"Oh, I just got back from a play with my parents and I thought I'd stop by." The lie came easily, too easily. What am I becoming? "Mom thinks I'm at Lilly's."
He raises an eyebrow and I turn away, playing up my blush to the fullest extent.
"Well," he coughs, " I could, show you around if you'd like?" I smile, watching his attention turn to my blood red lips.
"I'd love that." My heart was pounding and I prayed that I wouldn't sweat too much.
Simon takes a step, closing the distance. We share breath and he uncrosses his arms to take my hand, leading me down a long hall.
Away from the front door, my car.
My escape. No turning back.

We reach the end of the hall, passing numerous doors that I could only imagine to be closets or studies. We walk into a gigantic room, furnished with a low sitting white couch, dark brown coffee table, and all glass windows overlooking a pool meant for a king. It was exquisite, it felt like I should be paying thousands of dollars to be here.
"This is the living room." He lets go of my hand but doesn't step away as he turns to me. I force myself to give off a girlish giggle.
"I feel like 'living room' is a bit too plain of a word."
"What should it be called then?" I swipe my tongue over my bottom lip once before responding.
"A throne room." I shrug. My heart is pounding but I force my face into a mask of cool impassivity.
He rumbles a deep laugh and my heart feels nothing. Absolutely nothing. Most girls would fall in love with that laugh as soon as they heard it. Most girls would be absolutely captivated by him. But I feel the urge to shrink away. To squirm and flee.
I force my feet to take a small step towards him, so dangerously close.
His smile drops and he brushes away a stray curl from my face.
Revulsion. Disgust. I force myself to stand still. I force myself to smile at him.
"Shall we continue on?" An eager nod to hide my rising nausea. You have to do this.
He takes a deep breath through his nose and takes my hand again. Leading me off to different room connected to this one by a glass double door.
"The kitchen." He turns again smiling. Though this time he doesn't unlatch his hand from mine.
"It's beautiful." My breath genuinely catches at the sight. Various potted plants dot every surface, growing vegetables and fruits. Fresh bread sits on the counter, not a dirty dish in sight. "You should rent this place out." I say leaning around him purposefully brushing up against his chest. "Though I couldn't possibly imagine what you'd do with the extra money, it seems like you have everything you'd ever want right here."
He shrugs. "I do now."
I didn't have a chance to contemplate what that meant before I was whisked away again, down a corridor. Not quite as big as the one leading from the entryway but equally as decorative, and twice as dangerous. No escape.

After introducing me to a bathroom, a guest room and a second living room, he stops in front of a door painted navy blue. He lets go of my hand to open it and I nearly sob with relief. My hands had begun shaking and sweating profusely.
The door creaks open, revealing what I could only imagine to be his bedroom. A low sitting king bed is shoved against the far corner of the room. A small white loveseat sits on the opposite wall in front of a television and numerous video game consoles.
"And lastly you have my room."
"Wow, it's amazing." I step past him, my side brushing against his muscled torso.
He follows, and the door clicks shut.
I almost scream. I almost smack him. I almost start crying.
But instead I take a few more steps and sit down on the corner of his bed, stretching my long honey colored legs out on the floor in front of me.
His eyes scrape over my body. I feel it like talons. I fight the urge to shrink inside of whatever extra fabric I could manage from my tight dress, and instead smile. "This is my favorite room so far."
Simon had taken up the wall across the room from me. Crossed arms, crossed legs, eyes wandering, and wandering, wandering.
Before I gave myself the chance to start squirming under his hard gaze, I turn to my bag and say in a shaking voice, "I have a surprise."
"Oh?" He pushes off the wall, covering the distance in 4 strides of his long legs, and sits down next to me. Close enough to touch. I give him a devious grin, which Simon returns once he sees the bottle in my hands. I hand it to him and he takes a long swig, licking his lips in a wince.
Handing it to me he says, "Gabbie you'll probably have to stay here for tonight."
"That would be fun, wouldn't it?" My head tilts back and I swallow three full mouthfuls.
I see him out of the corner of my eye watching my throat bob up and down when I swallow. I immediately cap the bottle and set it by my feet.
"If I'm staying there's no way I'm sleeping in this dress." I stand facing him and bend down to take off my high heels, setting them by the bottle. Without my shoes Simon towers over me when he stands and I feel small. I feel weak.
I feel trapped.
"Guess you'll have to sleep naked then, huh?" He bends his head and strokes my jaw with a single knuckle, a wild, hungry grin on his lips.
Is this what girls melt over? Should this be my undoing?
I force myself to shudder, which to my delight and horrification, seemed to be his.
In one quick, smooth motion his head dips and his lips crash into mine.
I'm frozen. I've never been kissed before.
His hands come up to cup my face then slide down the sides of my neck. I copy him and knit my hands together behind his head.
No turning back no turning back.
My mouth moves in rhythm with his, and my stomach does backflips.
They always say kissing would be magical. They always say it's unlike anything in the world. Simon is beautiful and kind, and the most amazing person I've ever had the privilege of knowing. He deserves the world. He deserves the fucking universe not some clueless, horrible excuse of a human like me. How dare I do this to him? What is wrong with me, what am I doing?
His hands travel down my spine and squeeze my back side.
Stop it stop it stop it.
"I want you, Gabbie." He whispers into my mouth and tugs me closer.

It's all I can do to scramble back a bit before I vomit my guts up on his floor.

"Holy shit!" He rushes forward, grabbing my hair and holding it back.
I retch until there's nothing left for me to retch. He sits with me, rubbing my back, assuring me that it's okay.
When I'm finished we sit against his bed in silence. My makeup is running down my cheeks and my lipstick is smeared all over his face.
"Well," He says, "that was one hell of a first kiss, huh?" I turn to him and smile.
"Simon, I think you've got a little something... here." I poke his lipstick stained brown nose and we both burst into laughter.
"Aw man. You know what? Let's just watch a movie. Yeah?"
"That sounds absolutely perfect."
I shower while Simon cleans up his room and when I'm out I find a baggy sweatshirt and shorts waiting on the sink.
We spend the rest of the night binging our favorite movies and stuffing our faces with popcorn.

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