Two Spoons

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Lilly buys my lunch at our favorite diner, Two Spoons, in honor of my horrifically embarrassing encounter.
"So when are you two going to date already?" I nearly spit out my drink.
"Date??" I sputter, choking down what was nearly a disaster.
"Yeah. It's obvious you two have a thing going on. Why didn't you tell me you were gay?"
"Whoa wait. I'm not gay. What do you mean? Why did you think I was gay? We don't have a thing." I'm babbling and she knows it by the way she's smirking. "Lilly look at me. I. Like. Penis." I enunciate each syllable, clapping so she understands. "I can't even imagine kissing a girl."
"Okayyyyy. All I'm saying is you don't have to hide from me."
"God Lilly, you sound like my mom." She laughs. "Hey Simon invited me to a New Years party. I think I'm going to go."
"Damn I wish I was invited to things." Lilly pouts.
You know the people who just look like snitches? That's Lilly. She has pin straight blonde hair, a nose that turns out. She always wears cat sweaters that say things like "get a meow-ve on". She has a thin frame and small blue eyes, though unlike Maria's, hers are icy blue. She's the kind of person that's good at everything without trying. And as much as she bothers you, you can't help but love her.
"Yeah..." I respond taking a long sip off of my lemonade.
"Oh well. Ill probably go out with Mitch on New Years. It depends though. He might have another tantrum scheduled for that day." Lilly rolls her eyes. "We'll see."
"I don't know how you do it... he can be so-" She looks up from her empty dish sharply.
It's a sore subject.
"It's fine." Her voice is pinched and I find a different topic.
"Hey. If you do wanna come to that party I'm sure Simon would be fine with it. I can ask him for you."
"Oh my god! Can you? I've never been to any sort of party like that." Lowering her voice she leans into the table, looking oddly serious. "Will there be alcohol?" A small giggle escapes me.
"I'm pretty sure, Lilly. If thats not your scene it's fine I-"
"No! I wanna come. Besides it seems kinda fun, ya know, like breaking the rules and stuff." Her eyes snap up once again. "Will there be drugs?"
"Whoa whoa slow your roll there stoner. I'm not sure. I can ask that too."
Our check comes and we hug our goodbyes in the parking lot. I hate hugs. I never accept them from anyone but Lilly. Well... and I guess Maria once.
It would be so nice if brains came with an off switch. I think bitterly on my long drive home.

"Mom?" I close the front door gently, making my way into the kitchen where a neon green sticky note is waiting on the counter.

Gab love,
Out to lunch with a friend. Remember we're hosting Christmas at our house this year so I need you to shovel and cook for me please. I should be home around 4 o'clock, my phone is off.

Sighing I pull my coat back on. The snow is at least 7 inches deep. Michigan weather is absolutely insane, one time I got frostbite and sunburnt in the same week!
No doubt the snow will be melted by Christmas anyway but, at least it will give me something to do. Something to distract me.
I stop at the front door in front of my boots. I'm forgetting something. Smiling to myself I turn.
"Bear? Where are you? You didn't say hello to me when I walked in." In response a fat tabby comes strolling out of my bedroom. Bear walks straight up to me and butts his head into my leg, a greeting. I've had Bear since I was little. He's one of the last things that reminds me of my childhood, of happiness and clarity. He's been my best friend through it all.
I reach down and scratch his chin, resulting in a deep rumbly purr.
"Gotta go shovel buddy."

Two hours later I'm finished, sweating profusely despite the -5 degree weather. Inside I set my boots and gloves over the air vent so they dry.
Mom should be home anytime.
A buzz in my back pocket.

Simon: yoooo what's up?               -4:04pm
Gabbie: Hey! Can I call you           -4:04pm
really quick?                                            

Mere seconds later the upbeat Apple ringtone sounds

"Heyyyyyy what's up, Gabbie?"
"I had a question for you."
He chuckles, "You couldn't text it to me?"
"Ehhh I really hate texting," I chew on my lip, a habit I've had since birth, "I'd rather talk to someone and hear their voice."
"That's really cute to be honest. Fire away!"
"Uhh haha. So my friend Lilly, you probably don't really know her that well. She's in my section in band?"
"Oh yeah I know who that is." He mumbles.
"Well, we were wondering if- I was wondering. Do you think she could come to your party as well? I mean if not we completely understand..."
"Of course she can come! Anything for you cutie" he laughs, "should be fun."
"Oh awesome! That's so cool, thank you! I'm so excited for it to be honest. I can't wait to see you!"
"Honestly we should hang before then. Wanna go to lunch?"
"Oh my god yes, we should. How's tomorrow for you?"
"Two Spoons at 11?"
"Perfect!" I squeal. "I'll see you then."
"Bye Gabbie." Click

Set my phone back on the counter and pick up the list.
"Boo!" I jump 10 feet in the air.
"Oh my god Nick you scared me!" He imitates his best evil laugh. "That's just rude!"
Nick has always been goofy. We have an amazing relationship.
Most kids resent their step parents, but I've always loved mine. I think if it as having 4 parents instead of two. Twice the love and support.
"Who was that?" He flicks my nose.
"When did you get home?" I continue giggling.
"No no no. You didn't answer my question. Who was that? Do you have a boyfriend?" He uses a mocking tone. "Do we need to have," He whispers, "the boy talk?"
"What? Absolutely not! Simon is just a friend. And that weird. Besides, friends go to lunch all the time." He raises a furry eyebrow.
"It's only weird if you make it weird." Sighing I start to wash the dishes sitting in the sink. "Did mom give you list too?"
"I think 'list' is a little bit of an understatement. She gave me a freaking 4000 page book!" He throws his hands up in the air.
Mom and Nick disgust me. They're so hopelessly in love it's gross.
"Maybe If you stop trying to scare me! I'll consider helping you with your list." I copy his evil laugh and he runs for me. I'm quicker though, flinging the spray tool up in his face, soaking him. He sputters and water drops fly in all directions. Somewhere I hear Bear hiss his protest.
"You're a monster!" He laughs. "You got Bear wet, poor Bear."
"Just start your chores mister." We laugh.

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