Verse Three

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I couldn't believe that I was sitting in the same vehicle as Sebastian freaking Jennings!

And I just shook his hand, and screamed in his face.  Multiple times, actually. 

"What, is there a bug or something in the car?!" he asked, obviously freaked out by the way that I had just screamed bloody murder in his face. 

"N-no!  I just realized that you were actually real and that this isn't a dream!" I said out loud and as soon as the words were out I wanted to face palm. 

"Wait a second.  You're that girl that I sang to in the crowd!" he said animatedly, emerald eyes sparkling in the reflective lights of oncoming traffic. 

A contrite giggle escaped my parted lips. 

"Technically, you could say that about every girl who went to your concert because you sang to every girl in the crowd," I corrected him, always wanting to be difficult for some unknown reason. 

"Heh, yeah, I guess you're right.  I mean, you're the one who sang to me," he said, his tone dropping an octave lower and his eyebrows wiggled a bit suggestively at me, almost as if he were...flirting with me?!

Oh hell to the nah!

It was one thing to think that Sebastian Jennings was a dream, and if it were a dream you best believe I would've flirted back!  But this...this was real life!  

Scarlett heat rose to my cheeks. 

"That would be me," the words meekly left my mouth, as my shoulders shrugged a bit. 

"I saw your friend in the VIP meet and greets, why weren't you there?" he inquired and I was surprised he actually remembered us that well. 

"She actually remembered her pass.  I left mine out here in the car...where I passed out because I was so tired and here we are!" I explained to him, unable to focus on anything in the car besides his emotive green eyes. 

They were green, like, really green.  Think the mossy rain forest floor after a particularly rainy day with the sun hitting it just right.  Wow. 

He chuckled a bit at my explanation and then it got uncomfortably silent for a bit. 


"We should-"

We both said at the exact same time.  Then we laughed together, and I blushed again from the sound of his boisterous laugh. 

"You go," I told him. 

"We should probably figure out our next step.  I'm obviously in the wrong car, your friend is without a ride and the paparazzi are trailing us like there's no tomorrow..." he trailed off and then I remembered something. 

"Hold on," the words unceremoniously left me as I held one of my fingers up as if to say I would only be a moment.  

I reached into my purse and dug out my cell phone, noticing an abundance of text messages and calls from Josie. 

I clicked on the nearest one and my heart fluttered with relief. 

"My friend called an Uber and is going to some after party.  She said if I didn't answer in thirty minutes she was calling the cops.  Typical," I laughed as I typed out a weak apology to her and told her to message me the address of the party. 

"That's one problem taken care of.  Next is..." he started when the car suddenly started jerking unnaturally. 

He somehow maneuvered the car through a yellow light that the vans full of paparazzi behind us were forced to stop at and turned down a dark and secluded road that they wouldn't think to drive down and we rolled to a clunking stop. 

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