Chorus (Eight)

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"I fell..."

"Into someone's fist? Come on, Holly I'm not that stupid so don't treat me like I am."

We were at a stand still.

My breathing was labored, my heart racing out of control, my palms were sweaty, I sounded like an eminem song.

"I-" I cut myself off, unable to finish what I was going to say.

He grabbed up both of my hands in his and pulled them to his chest, the gesture so meaningful that it sent a shockwave of electricity running down my body and to a pit in my stomach.

It was then that I realized the entire time we had been looking at each other, the hole was gone. The painful ache that resonated deep within my chest hadn't throbbed in so long that I'd forgotten it even existed.

I contemplated telling Sebastian everything, the whole truth about Dylan and my family. But then I remembered his famous actress girlfriend and promptly shut that idea down.

But if he was the only one who could make me forget the pain that I had been feeling non stop, then I had to come up with something plausible...

"I got into a girl fight..." I started, hoping that it would sound reasonable enough that he wouldn't question it, but I also said it was a girl so that he wouldn't try to go enact revenge on the person who'd really done it to me.

"Mhmmm. And what about that Dylan asshole that destroyed your phone. Are you sure he wasn't the one who did it to you?"

His eyes probed my soul that I could have sworn he saw straight through my lies.

I gulped.

"It was his girlfriend. S-she was mad that he was paying attention to me after we broke up and she blamed me for it and she punched me. I hit her back and that made D-dylan mad so that's when he broke my phone. That's it."

He looked at me like he didn't really believe me but our food came at that exact moment so he was forced to drop the subject.

I noticed that I'd only taken a few bites of my fries by the time he was completely finished eating.

I snorted in hilarity at him.

"What are you, a pig? You just inhaled your food!" I exclaimed to him, feeling a smile grace my face for the first time all day.

"Well what are you a rabbit? You've barely eaten anything on your plate this whole time! A man's gotta eat!"

"Yeah, man. Right. More like a boy."

He looked at me with an incredulous look on his face like he couldn't believe I'd just said that to him.

"I can show you just how much of a man I can be if you wanna head back to my place?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows with a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

I blushed and shook my head, popping another fry in my mouth.

"Yeah, no thanks. I'm good here with the transients and delinquents skipping school."

He laughed, it perforated the stale air between us and I felt completely relaxed with him.

"What's your favorite color?" he suddenly asked me.

I looked at him curiously before I answered him, brushing a lock of auburn hair behind my ears.

"Blue. You?"


I laughed.

"But isn't that a girl color?"

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