Finale: Part Two

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His hands trailed delicate patterns across my bare stomach, my breath heating up with each passing moment.

"Sebastian," I started, not knowing if I should interrupt such a fragile and intimate moment to tell him this.

"Holly," he said back to me, causing a smile to erupt across my lips.

"I-I love-"

"I know. "

"Ugh, just let me say it! I love you."

His smile was so big it could shatter a thousand stars in the night sky by its brilliance. I wanted to melt into a puddle at the sight and just become a part of him, a single entity together, forever and always.

"I love you too."

I was sure that my smile was just as big, if not bigger than his upon his admission of his love for me and that just made what we were about to do together that much more special, our breath coming in hot, thick waves.

The bed sank underneath our weight as he laid me down upon it and I sighed happily as his hands slipped my straps down my shoulders and exposed my bare chest to him for the first time, and I didn't shy away or try to cover myself. Not from the man I loved.

"Has anyone ever told you how truly beautiful and amazing you are?" he asked me and the butterflies that had been dormant in my stomach up until that point cascaded all around me and I found myself floating in a sea of ecstasy at his words, happily flying around in our own little world, shielded by the paparazzi and my parents and the people who tried to tear us apart.

It was just me and Sebastian, and I couldn't have been happier.

He slowly, languidly, torturously slid his hands down my body and I did the same to him, wanting to know how frustrating it was that he was taking his time. I flipped over to make sure that I was straddling him and ripped his shirt off of his body as quickly as I could, not wanting to waste any more time.

He chuckled low beneath me as I ran my hands through his silky soft black hair.

"Easy there, Red. We have plenty of time," he said and I knew that we had plenty of time, but it didn't make me want to go any slower.

"I don't care," I breathed out, not caring that my eyes must have looked both crazed and lust filled at the same time, my voice cracking from the weight of what we were about to do.

He flipped us back over so that he was on top again and I squealed a little bit in laughter at the sudden movement.

"Did you just squeak like a mouse?" he asked, and I laughed out loud at his comparison.

I hit him lightly on the chest, which was achingly bare, and mouthwateringly so.

"Hey, don't call me a mouse," I said, pouting a bit for fun.

"Maybe that'll be your new nickname, my little mouse," he said and I rolled my eyes in playfulness.

And then he grew ever serious, the teasing light in his eyes replaced with a hunger I'd never seen in them before, the green emerald that I had grown to love replaced with a darker army green color that made him look older, more dangerous, and somehow even more attractive if that was even physically possible. It was.

"Close your eyes," he commanded and I had to comply, I would do anything he told me to if he was on top of me like he was.

He kissed his way across my jawbone, eliciting shivers to go crawling through my veins. Slowly, leisurely he made his way down to my neck and then down my chest, worshipping my body with his mouth.

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