Chorus (One)

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Mr. Fluffy Pants was talking animatedly with his hands to reporters who had their microphones shoved right up in his face and there were tons of screaming and adoring fans trying to touch him or get even an inch closer to him, but his security guards made sure that wasn't going to happen. 

I quickly ducked and hid my face away from him and I wasn't sure if he saw me or not but I sure hoped he hadn't gotten a glimpse, otherwise he might have tried to come up and talk to me, or maybe he wouldn't considering the fact that that would make the paparazzi want to question me about how we even knew each other to begin with. 

"Come on, let's get to first period," I told Josie, not wanting to bother with the crazy fan girls that day. 

"Oh alright.  I think I've had enough of Sebastian Jennings here lately too," Josie said, flipping her blonde hair behind her casually as she said so. 

I giggled at her and we walked elbows linked towards our first class of the day, one which I thankfully shared with her but unfortunately also shared with none other than my tyrannical ex boyfriend Dylan Sharp. 

I took a deep steadying breath and walked through the doors right as the first bell rang. 

"Why is he even here anyway?" I asked Josie as we took our seats beside each other. 

"I don't know.  Apparently this is his hometown and he went to school here, maybe he's doing it as a publicity stunt or something," she said to me, opening up her bag and grabbing her school supplies from it while I did the same. 

Right as I was getting my notebook out, Dylan and Gwen came strolling through the doors hand in hand, her short black hair and black and white outfit making me think of Cruella De Vil. 

I made sure not to look at them as they made their way to their desks but it was kind of hard not to considering they were what everyone was talking about most of the time, except for that day considering the fact that Sebastian Jennings was on campus. 

What were the odds that I had met him at the concert and then we were in the same vehicle and then the same house?

And then I'd actually fought with him?

It almost didn't even seem real or like it happened to me to begin with, almost like it was a dream or another person who was living through it and not me...

I wished I'd taken a picture so I could prove it really happened and that it wasn't all in my imagination. 

I felt a pair of eyes on me from the other side of the room and turned to notice Dylan glaring at me with so much hatred that it felt like he was trying to murder me with his eyes. 

I quickly glanced away from him and went back to my notes as the teacher began speaking. 

After about fifteen minutes, the rest of the class finally shuffled in.  Apparently the impromptu meet and greet with a rockstar was officially over and he had left campus. 

I still felt Dylan's eyes on me.  It made me so uncomfortable that after waiting a few more minutes and he was still openly staring at me, I asked the teacher if I could be excused to the bathroom just to get away from him. 

I splashed some cold water up and down my arms to try and quell the aching fear that came from the hatred that Dylan was throwing at me. 

I could still feel it as if it were ingrained in my mind, his dark brown eyes looking inherently evil as they stared me down. 

I choked down the nauseous feeling in my chest and steadied myself, mentally preparing myself to have to look at him yet again. 

I pushed open the door to the girls bathroom and collided with a figure that I really didn't want to see again for the rest of my life. 

"Hey Hols, how've you been?  You look better obviously, where did you get this little number from?" he asked me, tugging at the end of my dress. 

I backed up against the wall as he did so, not wanting to show him that I was scared but it was an involuntary reflex. 

When something, or rather, someone, dangerous was too close for comfort, your body shifted away from it immediately. 

His light blonde hair trailed across his eyebrows and he shook his head to clear his field of vision. 

He stepped even closer to me and I surveyed my options. 

One: I could run.  I would seem like a crazy person if someone saw me but- oh god and now I'm trapped, his hand on one side of the wall I was backed up against and the other on the other side of me as well, there goes option number one. 

Two: I could scream for help, but of course without video surveillance no one would ever believe what he was doing to me and oh god now his hand is over my mouth to keep me from screaming out there goes option number two. 

So my brain immediately went to option number three: a swift kick in the balls. 

Only he reacted quickly, his legs shielding his man hood as he swayed to the side to avoid my knee of steel. 

"That always was your go-to move wasn't it Vickers?" he chuckled darkly at me, my eyes wide at him and filling with tears as the seconds ticked by. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, forcing my hands into fists at my sides. 

I bit his hand that was covering my mouth, the taste of sweat and dirt making me want to gag in the process, and in the time that it took him to recover from the sting of my teeth I had put all my force into a punch to his face right in his left eye socket. 

He reeled back away from me in surprise and pain and that was when I made my escape. 

I felt his hand on my arm keeping me in place, though, and I skidded to a devastating halt in my tracks. 

"You're not getting away that easily, baby girl.  I've waited too long for you to start dressing like an actual woman and I'm not about to let my chance to see what's underneath go to waste."

I cringed at his words, wanting nothing more than for him to choke on them and die, but I had to remind myself to stay strong.  Wiping the tears from my eyes, I turned around to face him. 

"If all you want from me is sex, why don't you go to Gwen and get it from her?  Why do you even care about getting that from me?  We're done!" I asked him hysterically, wanting, no, needing the answer as to why he kept harassing me. 

"Because you were the one that got away Holly.  The one that haunts my dreams.  I've had sex with every girl in this school but you, and I'm about to change that right now," he said, stalking towards me like a lion hunting his prey. 

I curled myself up into a ball as he came towards me and right as he had me shoved up against the wall with a hand on my breast and the other lifting up my dress, I spit in his face, a repeat of what I'd done to him the day we broke up. 

"I used to like the fire in you.  Now I'll just enjoy watching it disappear from your eyes," he said, an evil glint in his smile. 

I used the spit running down his face as the only distraction I had left and went for the place where the sun doesn't shine yet again, but this time he didn't dodge me. 

He didn't see it coming this time because I'd already tried it once and failed, he didn't think that I would try it again. 

As he was bent over in agony, I made my escape. 

I ran to the left, but before I could even make my third step, someone stepped out of a nearby hallway and didn't get out of the way of my marathon sprinting before I bulldozed over them in my haste. 

"Oh my god I am so sorry-"

"Holly!" I heard Dylan's angry voice yell after me. 

It wasn't until I opened my eyes in fear of who was underneath me that my eyes widened in shock. 

"Mr. Fluffy Pants?!"

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