Chapter Seven

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Leo was taken aback by Tyra's response. He looked at her in a slight disbelief. "You... Feel the same way?" he asks uncertainly. "Why wouldn't I?" Tyra responds with a smile. "Because you're perfect. You're popular. You're kind. You're funny. You're too good for me," Leo explains. "Don't say that, Leo..." Tyra says to him. Leo looks down at the ground and places his hand on the back of his neck. Tyra smiles sweetly at him before grabbing his hand and kissing him. Leo's hand drops and he slowly closes his eyes. Leo places his hands on her waist after she lets go of his hand. Tyra wraps her arms around his neck. She then stops kissing him, faces still close. "Don't deny my love for you.... And I won't deny yours," she says, and with that, Tyra walks off.
Leo stays where he is and looks around, debating whether that actually happened. It was almost a dream come true. He got the prettiest girl in school, while the others she does know didn't. How? Leo did not know, but didn't question it. He was just pleased she felt the same way. He smiles to himself before walking away. Leo enters his classroom minutes later and takes his usual seat in the back. He stares at the wall and then shifts his eyes to Tyra. Leo notices her smile at him, and quickly flashes a grin towards her. But, there was one question in his mind. Were they dating or not? A question that almost scared Leo, as both of the answers would change his life completely. Either be heartbroken or... Popular? Leo never liked attention. Or the feeling of being hurt. He shook his head gently though, trying to ignore the thought. Class went on as usual, with the teacher mumbling about their lesson. Leo sighs slowly before looking up from his drawing. He looked at the clock and sees that class was almost over, with five minutes left. Leo turns his attention back to his drawing and continues it before the loud bell rings suddenly. He quickly packs up his stuff and leaves the classroom. Just before leaving the room, though, Leo feels someone grab his shoulder. He turns around to see Tyra, giving off her cheerful smile. "Hey Leo," she says before kissing his cheek. "Oh, hey Tyra. Want to walk to class together?" Leo asks shyly, grabbing his stuff tighter against his chest. "Of course I do," Tyra answers, her grin growing wider. Leo feels his heartbeat start to race as he looks at the ground. It was almost strange being around her after what happened about one or two hours ago. Tyra seems to completely ignore what had happened and keeps herself close to Leo. Once they reach their classroom, though, Leo takes hold of Tyra's wrist and pulls her back out of the door. "Tyra... I don't mean to make this awkward... But, are we dating or not?" Leo asks her and then looks down, clearly regretting his words. "Shit, I me-" he starts, but Tyra interrupts. "I know what you mean... And... I would love to date you, Leo..." Leo's heartbeat quickens immediately. "Wait, what? You're- you're serious?" he asks, flustered. "Of course! I mean, if you want to date me..." Tyra says. "I do, but... I don't want to get attention.." Leo says. "I'll make sure you don't," she tells him calmly. The bells rings and Tyra kisses Leo quickly before walking into class. Did that mean they were dating? Leo was confused as he watched her walk in, though quickly followed because he knew he was going to be late. Leo kept her words in mind. Was she able to keep the popularity away? Leo would never doubt Tyra, it just seemed impossible. Leo's thoughts are interrupted, though, because the teacher began speaking.
      Class quickly finished and Leo left instantly. He went outside for lunch, not getting any though. He wasn't that hungry after all. "Leo, hey. Do you want to eat with my friends and I?" Leo looks up, recognizing the voice instantly. He sees Tyra and doesn't know how to answer. He didn't want to seem rude by saying no, but he didn't want to say yes. "I'd prefer eating alone with you..." he says quietly. Tyra smiles. "I'll eat with you then." Leo becomes confused. "No, eat with your friends. I don't need anyone with me," he says. "But I want to," Tyra explains. "I mean... You are my boyfriend after all..." And with that, Tyra refuses to sit with anyone else. Throughout lunch, Leo is still taken aback by Tyra's emphasis on the word boyfriend. He didn't think it meant anything... But it still meant so much. Leo tried ignoring it for the rest of the day, but it still snuck up on him. When the last bell rung for school ending, Leo jumped out of his chair, hitting his knee on the desk. He ignored the small injury and left the room with everyone else. He went home silently, still thinking about Tyra's words.

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