Chapter Eight

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Tyra nervously looked around. "What's up with you?" Katelyn asks suspiciously. "Well... I said something I don't really regret... Yet, I still regret it," Tyra tells her. Katelyn sighs. "What did you say?" she asks, looking toward the ground disappointedly. "I told Leo he was my boyfriend. And now I feel bad because I know how he feels about becoming my boyfriend! And if anyone were to find out, he'd become popular no matter what. I can't control that!" Tyra rants. "And..?.." Katelyn says. "And I don't know what to do! Poor thing is probably stressing out about it right now..." Tyra says, laying back on her bed.
   Leo sighs quietly. He didn't know what to do. Should he call her, or not? Deciding not to call her, Leo looks at the wall. Why was he thinking about this so much? Literally the only people who knew was Tyra's friends. If he kept the relationship quiet, then no one would know... And Leo could keep being his shy self. But, it wasn't that simple. Leo grabbed his journal off his bedside table and took the pen too. He wrote silently in it, putting down every emotion in a simple poem.     I want to love her freely         Without the worry of merely    Being popular in the eyes of others
She is absolutely perfect
With her many friends
I didn't want it to end
But I did not know it'd come to this
The fear of being known
By people I may not be close to
By people that just see me as alone
But once our secret comes out
I know it'll happen
Because you can't control others
Leo looked down at his poem. It was written so easily, so simply. He quickly closed his journal and put it to the side before laying on his bed. His leg hanged off the side as Leo stared at the ceiling. He gently fell asleep, though, and dreamt about Tyra's smile.
"Katelyn, wake up," Tyra demands and pushes her slightly. "Wh- what? It's Saturday, and I want to sleep bitch," Katelyn says grumpily. "Don't call me a bitch and get up," Tyra says again. "Ugh, I don't want to. Just leave me to die, Tyra," Katelyn says, covering her head with her pillow. "Fine..." Tyra gives up and resorts to her phone. She decides to text Leo, and sends a hey. He responds almost immediately with a hello. They begin to talk and Tyra suddenly feels a presence above her. "I see you're talking to Leo..." Katelyn says creepily. "Yeah, now get away you weirdo," Tyra laughs. "Fine, tell him I said hi though." Tyra smiles at her friend before hearing her mother. "Sweeties, it's time for breakfast!" Tyra's mum calls them. Katelyn excitably gets up and leaves Tyra's room as she texts Leo a goodbye. She soon leaves the room as well, smiling at her phone while walking out of the room.
Leo looks at his phone sadly as he sees the message that she had to go. Leo throws his head back before getting up. Hungry, he leaves his room and enters the kitchen. Leo looks through the cupboards in search of food before hearing his mom's voice. She seems to be yelling at someone, and Leo sees his father the one being yelled at. He always witnessed them fighting. A divorce honestly wouldn't sadden Leo. He'd be quite glad the yelling just stopped. He loved his parents a lot, but it came to the point where the arguments were just unnecessary. Leo sighed and then turned to the food again. He made himself something before running up stairs.
   Leo looked at his phone to see a text from Tyra. Picking his phone up excitedly,  he sees the message. It says "Katelyn and I are going out soon. Wanna come?" and Leo instantly replies with yes. As he puts his phone down, though, he regrets the decision. The activity involved getting ready and going out. Leo wasn't in the mood, but did it anyway. He quickly got dressed and walked down the stairs and outside. Leo feels his phone vibrate and he takes it out of his pocket. It's a message from Tyra saying, "We'll be there soon." Leo replies with the thumbs up emoji and then sees Katelyn's car. He gets in the back with Tyra. Once he gets in, Tyra kisses his cheek. "Okay, lovebirds, off we go!" Katelyn says with a smile and speeds off. "Shit, don't you think this is too fast?" Leo asks, falling back in his seat. "Yeah, it probably is," Katelyn smiles before slowing the vehicle down. Tyra rests her head against Leo's shoulder and his face becomes a bit red. He looked at the floor of the car, allowing Tyra to place her head on his shoulder. It's almost as if he can feel her smile. He instantly thought back about his poem. Shit... he thinks before looking out the window, awaiting their destination.

The poem's probably shit, I know... I made it on my own and I'm only OKAY at writing poems... So, yeah. At least I finished a chapter and it didn't take a month! Yay! Anyway, enjoy.

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