Chapter Five

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       Tyra doesn't expect this to happen, but does eventually accept the kiss. Soon, a squeal can be heard a few feet from them and Leo separates himself from Tyra. Katelyn stands there, shocked but excited. "Fuck...." Leo whispers to himself, though he clearly doesn't regret what he did. "I can't believe I just witnessed that.... Did that really just happen?" Katelyn asks, looking at them with a huge smile on her face. "I guess it did happen..." Tyra told her before turning to Leo. "And I don't mind if it happens again," she whispers to him. His heart skips a beat as she says this, and Katelyn squeals again after hearing the subtle whisper. "Holy shit! Every guy at school is going to be so jealous after they hear about this!" Katelyn says excitedly. "You've already directed enough attention toward us, so I think your job is done," Leo says before standing up. He reaches his hand out to Tyra and she grabs his hand. Leo pulls her up from the sand and Tyra brushes herself off. "I still can't believe that happened," Katelyn says.
      "Well, believe it!" Tyra exclaims, trying to hide to small smile. Leo looks around awkwardly at the multiple guys staring at him in envy. "I think they all want to beat me up..." he whispers in Tyra's ear. She laughs. "I'll make sure that doesn't happen," she tells him. Leo turns slightly red. "Don't worry about it. We should just enjoy the party while it does last. Also... Why are you here?" Tyra asks him. He just shrugs. "My parents took me here to 'remind me of California'. I wasn't expecting to see you here, though..." he explains, running his hand through his hair. They both seem to disregard the kiss that happened and walk around the beach. Tyra introduces Leo to many of her other friends before noticing how uncomfortable he looks. "Sorry, Patrick, but I need to talk to Leo for a minute," Tyra explains as she pulls Leo aside. "What's up?" he asks Tyra, confused by her action. "I've just noticed how... Uncomfortable you look so I wanted to take you to my favorite place around here!" she exclaims quietly to him and Leo looks at the ground. "C'mon, it'll be fun!" Tyra continues and then Leo looks up at her, their eyes meeting. "Fine..." he says and Tyra grabs his arm to lead him somewhere.
When Tyra finally lets go of Leo's arm, they are located in a small space with trees surrounding them. The trees have tiny pink buds on them and the sun lowers behind the horizon, still creating the pink and orange color in the sky. Leo begins to sit down and Tyra sits beside him. "This is beautiful," Leo tells her and turns his head toward her. "Isn't it?" Tyra asks him before looking at him. As if an instinct, Leo leans in toward Tyra and presses his lips against hers. He places his hand on her neck and Tyra begins to wrap an arm around his waist. Leo separates from her slowly, though still keeping his face close to hers. "Who knew that I would get you?" Leo asks her and Tyra just shrugs slightly. "Luck, I guess?" she tells him with a little giggle. He smirks before looking at the ground. "There are so many guys in this school... That you've probably known forever... Why me?" Leo questions again. "We just met and.. It seems so weird for me to get a beautiful girl like you.You're popular and shit, while I just read books in the back of the class. You have so many friends and you're so nice... How was I the one to become lucky?" he continues. "Leo.... Don't doubt yourself like that. You're a fantastic person as well, and it's more like I'm lucky," Tyra responds. They both stay silent for a while and then Tyra kisses his cheek. "It's getting dark. We should head back. I'm sure that your parents and Katelyn will be worried," she says. "Shit! My parents! We better run. I can text them while we head back..." Leo explains as they both get up, running back toward the beach.
"There you fucking are! You had me worried sick, Tyra," Katelyn says before turning to Leo. "And what do you have to say for yourself?" she continues jokingly. Leo just laughs slightly, and then a deep voice makes him turn around. "Leo Carter Yew! Where the hell were you?! Your mother and I were.... So worried," seemingly Leo's dad says. "And who are they?" he asks, looking at Tyra and Katelyn. "My... Friends. Now can we please go?" Leo begs, clearly embarrassed. "You have friends? Girl friends?" his mother asks, dumbfounded by her son's ability to make friends. "You're embarrassing me..." Leo whispers in his mother's ear and Tyra laughs, hearing his whisper. "Can we just go now? I'm getting pretty tired now..." he asks. "Yes, we may dear," his mom says and Leo turns to Tyra. "B-" he begins to say but Tyra cuts him off with a kiss. "Bye..." she says and Leo looks back at his parents. They seem surprised, but don't mention what just happened. "We should go.. Bye!" Katelyn exclaims and drags Tyra by the arm to her car.
       "Tell me all the details! Is he good?" Katelyn asks. "What the actual fuck are you talking about?" Tyra says to her, taken aback by her question. "You know what I mean..." she says with a wink. "We didn't do that, Katelyn. What is wrong with you?" Tyra asks her friend and Katelyn laughs. "Everything," she responds and she starts her car. They drive home quickly and with that, Tyra goes to sleep without hesitation.

"I'll start to update more!" says annoying ass Hayden Beranek. Good job keeping a promise.... Now here I am at 11:30 quickly writing a bunch of shitty words down and making a chapter out of it. Sorry if this chapters sucks, I was tired AF while writing it... I'm gonna go to sleep now. Enjoy!

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