Chapter Three

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         "Shit... I didn-" Leo begins to say, but Tyra cuts him off by saying "It's fine... I don't really mind," with a smile. "Well... That's good," he says before returning her smile. "Anyway, shall we go to our last class?" Tyra asks. "What do you have?" Leo asks. "English class," she answers. "Oh, I do too!" Leo exclaims happily. He then gets up and begins to walk towards the door, Tyra following him. "You know, you're the first friend I've made here," Leo tells her. "Is that so?" Tyra asks him with a smile. "Yeah... And I'm kind of happy it was you. Most of the students here are dicks," Leo says before sighing. "Heh... I can confirm that honestly," Tyra says to him, giggling at the end of that sentence. "It's funny.." Leo says. "What is?" Tyra questions, confused by his words. "It's funny how you can make a friend so fast, and then fall in love even faster," Leo continues.
         "What are you trying to say...?..." Tyra asks. "Oh, nothing. Just a statement," Leo tells her, seeming to realize what he had said. "Oh...." Tyra simply says, her expression showing a bit of disappointment. The two enter their classroom together. Leo had changed the subject quickly, causing Katelyn to squeal when noticing them because they were talking once again. Tyra just glares at her as Leo looks at the ground. Tyra begins to walk toward Katelyn, with Leo following behind her. "Leo, this is Katelyn. She's been dying to meet you," Tyra says with a little smirk. "Oh, umm... Okay. Hey.." Leo says awkwardly. "Hi! I do hope this school year is good for you. It's been shitty for me honestly.." Katelyn complains. "How so?" Leo asks her, gaining a bit of confidence. "The teachers here suck," Katelyn says just as our English teacher enters the room. "Excuse me, Katelyn?!" Mr. Kater exclaims. "Shit! Sorry sir.... You don't suck..." Katelyn apologizes, staring at the floor. He just sighs and looks back at his book.
  "Hey Leo! You should sit with us. We have no one else in this class that we hang out with anyway. And I think Tyra would like it too..." Katelyn says with her same smug smirk. "Actually, I would! You always look so lonely in the back," Tyra tells him, patting the seat beside her. "Oh.. Thanks Tyra," Leo says as he sits down in the chair. "It's really no problem," she says with a smile. Katelyn sighs quietly and turns to Mr. Kater. He still reads his book, even as the school bell rings. He then groans in disgust as he looks up at us, as if he suddenly just realized that he has a bunch of teenagers to teach. "Okay.... Ugh, fuck this. Read your damn books if you want something to do," he says. Everyone looks surprised from Mr. Kater cussing. He's done it under his breath before, but never aloud. With this being the last things he says, everyone opens up their books and begins to read quietly. Tyra notices him getting up and leaving the room without warning and Leo turns to her. "He's an ass.." Leo whispers to Tyra and she giggles. "Yeah..." she whispers back. She looks over at Katelyn as she's smirking in her direction. "What?" Tyra asks. "Oh, nothing," Katelyn responds before looking back at her book.
   "Ignore her... She's a weirdo," Tyra tells Leo quietly. Now it's his turn to laugh as he lets out a chuckle. "I've honestly noticed... All your friends are weird..." he whispers back. "And you're just an addition," Tyra says with a grin. "You're right, Tyra." As Leo confirms her statement and looks back at his book when she doesn't respond, Tyra studies him closely. She noticed the little details she hadn't before. Like the light brown strands in his dark hair, and the little orange hue in his eyes. Tyra seems to get caught staring at him, as for Leo looks up at her with a smirk. "You all right?" he asks her. Shit.. she thinks but just nods. "Yeah, I'm okay," Tyra confirms. Leo stares at her for a bit before facing the book again. "I'll take your word for it..." he says. Tyra sighs in relief and begins to read her book as well.
         The bell rings, and Mr. Kater still isn't back. Everyone stands up and heads toward the door. Tyra and Leo both get up together and leave the room, with Katelyn following them close behind. "Did you guys have a better time than I did?" Katelyn asks. "The book wasn't that boring, so maybe I did," Tyra tells her. "You're serious?" she replies and turns to Leo. "You like this bitch? She thought that was interesting," she says to him. Tyra notices Leo turn red and look at floor. "Wh- what are you talking about?" he asks Katelyn. "Everyone likes Tyra. It's no secret that a guy, or girl, likes her. She's gorgeous!" Katelyn answers. "And you're just the lucky guy.." she continues with a smile. Taken aback by Katelyn's statement, Tyra stops and takes a deep breath. "You and I need to have a talk. Now," Tyra says demandingly and pulls Katelyn aside, out of the crowded hallways. "You like him," Katelyn states, and all Tyra can do is nod. "Maybe I do.. Just maybe I do. But don't fucking say stuff like that... Please. For me," Tyra says, practically begging. "Fine, fine. I'll stop. Though, Ana and Dawn might start teasing you," Katelyn says. "Don't tell them, Katelyn..." Tyra says. "F-" Katelyn begins to say, but is cut off by someone. "So... You like me, huh?" Leo asks, appearing behind them.

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