Chapter Nine

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"So, Tyra, where are we going?" Leo asked uncertainly. "Oh, we were thinking of going to the cafe near us that just opened. I heard the coffee is great," Tyra responds. "Okay, sounds good." The car becomes silent before Katelyn turns up the volume for the radio. "This music is shit... Where's all the good music?" Katelyn says, a bit frustrated. "Oh! Found a song," she says and stops changing the channel on the radio. "Katy..." Tyra says with a sigh before giggling softly. "What? Oh, shit, we're gonna be there soon," Katelyn says and then pulls into a parking lot of a cafe called "Coffee Beans." Leo gets out of the car and looks at the building before feeling Tyra grab his hand. "C'mon!" she says with a smile and they walk into the cafe together.
Once they enter, Tyra notices a girl with short green hair and a boy sitting across from her the only other people. The girl also seems to notice the trio and smiles slightly. Once Tyra gets her drink, she walks over to the two. "Hey," the guy says, smirking at Tyra. "Hi! I'm Tyra," she introduces with a grin. "I'm Marian, and this is my twin brother Marco," the girl says, holding out her hand. Tyra shakes it. "You guys don't look like twins.." Tyra laughs. "Well, I look more like our dad, and him more like our mom," Marian explains. "Oh, okay," Tyra says quietly before turning around. She calls Leo over and he comes to sit down shyly. "Hi," Marian says kindly to Leo. He just nods and looks down. "This is Marian and Marco," Tyra introduces the pair and Leo waves, still facing the ground. "And he's Leo." Katelyn strides over once getting her drink and sits down. "Tyra, I see you're getting new friends without me." Tyra laughs. "Well, this is Marian and Marco," she says. "Oh, okay. Now that we all know each other-" Katelyn starts before hearing the door open.
A girl walks in, looking down at her phone. She heads toward the barista, not paying attention to the others staring. She has curly light brown hair cut to her shoulders and blue eyes. "Holy shit, she's gorgeous," Marco whispers in awe, still keeping his eyes on the girl. She grabs her coffee and sits down, meeting eyes with Marco. She smiles slightly before looking back at her phone. Marian hits her brother's thigh and then turns to Tyra, watching as she stands up to talk to the girl. Tyra sits beside her and she speaks up first. "Hey," the girl says while looking up at Tyra. "Hi! I'm Tyra." "And I'm Yvette. It's nice to meet you." Marco sits down at their table as well and smirks at Yvette. "You too..." Tyra says uncertainly as Marco starts talking to Yvette. And talking was an understatement. He was hardcore flirting with her. "You're absolutely beautiful," he tells her and her face begins turning red. "Thank you... But I have a boyfriend," she says before standing back up. She leaves the cafe with her drink in one hand and her phone in the other. Marian starts to laugh hysterically. "You- just- got... Rejected hard, bro! Holy shit.." she manages to say through laughs. Leo laughs slightly. Marco rolls his eyes in response. "Says you... You don't even have a boyfriend..." Marco says. "That's because I don't want one, dumbass. You just try too hard to get a girl," Marian tells him. Katelyn snickers. "Marian, I think you're my new best friend. Sorry Tyra!" Katelyn says. "Excuse me..." Tyra laughs before slapping Katelyn jokingly. Leo just stares at a wall, the now only entertaining thing in the room. "You alright, Leo?" Tyra asks him, walking over. "Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just a bit tired," he explains. "We can leave if you want," Tyra suggests. "No, it's fi-" Tyra cuts him off before saying goodbye to Marian and Marco. "Nice meeting you three, then," Marian says. Katelyn, Tyra, and Leo leave the cafe. "You really didn't have to leave..." Leo mumbles.
   They instantly get in Katelyn's car and Tyra places her head on Leo's shoulder again while Katelyn drives. Leo sees his house as Katelyn stops the car. "Bye Tyra, and thanks for the ride Katelyn," he says. "Tyra?" Leo looks down at his shoulder to see Tyra asleep. He sighs and kisses her forehead softly before leaving the car. He enters his house to see his parents not in their home. Leo looks around, though giving up and heading back to his room. He lays on his bed and almost immediately falls asleep.

This was kind of a introduction to my other characters... Next chapter I'll have to introduce the other two. And Ana's girlfriend of course. So, enjoy I guess. Also, this one is bit boring... Sorry.

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