Chapter 2

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Maxi's POV

I was still looking out for that mysterious girl when a surfer ran up to us. Both I and Harries got out the rhino and I was by the board ready to go.

"A girl, got hit with a board, I think she's blacked out." I grabbed the board and ran into the sea, hoping it wasn't that girl. I was shocked at myself, I never usually thought this when I was doing a rescue. I paddled out and saw her, lying limp, blood on her face. There was a surfer trying to hold her up and I pulled her onto my board, thanking the surfer.

I caught a wave back in and ordered Harries to get oxygen. I was shaking her shoulders gently and she came to, coughing out water. She had the most gorgeous green eyes but my focus right now was getting her up to the tower to sort her head out.

Harries drove up to the tower as I spoke into the radio giving a brief explanation of what had happened. I carried her into the tower and placed her on the bed.

"My name's Maxi, what's your name, darling?"

"E-ellie." she croaked.

"Okay, Ellie. I'm going to clean your wound, and then decide if you need to go to hospital." she nodded weakly in response.

I sorted her head out and explained that she wouldn't need to go to hospital as the cut wasn't too deep, but I was enough for her to black out.. Harries then came in and gave her her bag and told her that her board was by the door.

She thanked us all and walked out, grabbing her things as she went. I couldn't hold it back.

I ran out the tower after her, "Ellie, wait!" she turned round slowly, and smiled when she saw it was me, "Can I take you out to dinner tonight? I completely understand if you don't want to. It's just..." shut it Maxi, you're rambling again I told myself. She stopped me talking by placing a hand on mine.

"I would love to", she had a gorgeous voice, soft and gentle, "if you give me your phone I'll put my number in and you can text me where and when. Okay?"

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you tonight." She gave a small nod and I kissed her cheek gently. As she turned to go I shouted 'bye' and she turned and gave me a small wave.

Ellie's POV

Oh. My. God. He was gorgeous. He had sea blue eyes, he was quite tall. A tanned body and tattoos and I had butterflies.

Maxi. I liked that name, it suited him. Hoping I was out of sight of the tower, I did a small skip all the way back to my apartment.

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