Chapter 12

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A.N. Sorry for the long wait, it's been a hectic week!

Ellie's POV

After about five minutes, a hand went up, so Beardy went in. Then another, so Maxi went in. and then another hand went up. What should I do both boys had two people on their boards so couldn't pick any more up.

Without thinking it through, I took my dress off, grabbed a nearby board and started paddling towards the person. When I got there, I pulled the girl onto the board and told her to lay on her front facing the front of the board. She did so immediately, which was a surprise, usually it takes a few attempts. I then saw a wave coming towards me so started paddling and managed to catch the wave back into shore.

When back in shore, the girl thanked me and I walked back to where the board goes and walked towards the rhino, where Beardy and Maxi were stood there with their mouths wide open. All Beardy could say was "Whoa" and I said to Maxi, "Maxi, I love ya, but you look so much better when your mouth isn't hanging open." With a cheeky grin. He closed his mouth after that when something came through on the radio.

"Well done Ellie, that was a really good rescue."

"Thanks" I replied to the voice, I think it was Jake, with a slight blush. To my surprise, I was then enveloped into a hug from behind, and I guessed it was Maxi as he wasn't in front of me anymore.

"Well done." He whispered in my ear, with a slight kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks." I said, blushing again. I turned around and gave him a slight peck on the lips when Beardy cleared his throat behind us.

"Okay, enough with the PDA." He said, with mock disgust.

Me and Maxi both laughed at his reaction and decided to annoy Beardy a little bit more. Maxi just winked at me and I knew he was going to do something from the mischievous glint in his eye.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me onto the back of the rhino. He then stood us both up and pushed me against the roof, he started kissing me. Maxi had never kissed me like this before, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. He slid his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I granted when someone cleared their throat from behind. Maxi suddenly stopped and looked to see who it was and all that came out was a slight 'oh'. I looked over his shoulder to see...crap! It was Hoppo. I felt Maxi squeeze around my waist slightly, to try and reassure me it was fine.

"Well, I came to congratulate you on a great rescue Ellie, but I think we need a word." I gulped. Hoppo only called me Ellie when he was angry, disappointed in me, or sometimes when I was upset.

Hoppo's POV

I was watching Ellie doing a great rescue and when she came in I saw Maxi envelop her in a hug. I smiled slightly. I was glad Maxi was making her happy. She deserved it. But I was sad to see my little girl growing up.

I decided to go down and say well done to Ellie as that was a hard decision to make, whether to stay on shore or go in for the rescue. I was proud of her, I knew she wanted to be a lifeguard, following after me, but never thought she could. She had just proved to me she can.

I got down to near the rhino and was shocked when I saw Ellie and Maxi making out on the back of the rhino! How dare Maxi take his eyes off the water! And how dare them both for being so careless when there are young children are around!

I cleared my throat and saw Maxi turned round; he looked like he's seen a ghost. Then Ellie looked over his shoulder and I could tell she started panicking.

I asked Ellie for a quick word and we started walking up to the tower.

"Hoppo, we..."

"Leave it Ellie, wait until we're in my office." I said sternly.

When we sat down in the tower, I looked at Ellie expectantly.

"Well?" I asked, "Care to explain why you were stopping one of my lifeguards from doing their job?" I asked, very annoyed by this point.

"When I came back from doing that rescue, Maxi hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. Then Beardy faked mock disgust and Maxi thought we should annoy him a little more." She said whilst looking down. I softened a little, I knew I shouldn't have, Maxi had taken his eyes off the water, and someone could've drowned. But I softened a little because they were doing it to annoy Beardy, not just for themselves.

"I don't want to see you doing that again, okay. You can do it on a date or whatever, just not when Maxi is working. He has to have his eyes in the water." I said, with a little urgency in my voice.

She nodded her head slightly and I think I got the message across.

"But, the main reason I came down to see you was because I was very impressed with the rescue you did. So, I was thinking that you could have a month or so to improve slightly, do a little more training, and I think you have what it takes to become a lifeguard," I said, a smile on my face. She slowly looked up at me, the smile growing on her face.

"What?! When do I start?" she asked excitedly.


"Buts that's so far away!"

"Els Bells, it's Friday!" I said, laughing slightly.

"Still." She said, pouting slightly. I motioned with my arms for her to have a hug and I don't think I've ever seen her so excited.

"Thank you for this opportunity Hop, I love you!" She shouted as she ran out the door and onto the promenade. I laughed to myself. She was a goofball, but I loved her.


So what did you think? What do you think will happen in the next chapter? We will also be meeting Chappo's girlfriend Tiff soon.

Shoutout to nbroea for being really supportive of my story!

As always vote and comment!


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