Gotta lot of enemies I

570 17 6

"Now that everything is all settled, let's all go home."

We went in different ways since mine is a little bit near to the school while for his was a little bit far since parking inside of the school is only for the faculty, staff, and the higher-ups.


"Hi Y/N! I'm excited for this! It feels like I'm dressing some barbie doll! Let's find some clothes, shall we?"

Wanda said with enthusiasm. I laughed but agreed. Nat saw us and greeted us. She asked what we were talking about and Wanda explained it to her. She wanted to come and we agreed. We went to my room and let them choose whatever dress or some shit they want.

After 5 minutes, they gave me a green dress that has highlights of gold and gold shoes.

"To be honest... I don't even know I have a dress like that."

"Loki is very lucky..."

She muttered.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing at all."

Nat's POV

I'm very lucky she didn't hear what I said. Well, Loki is truly lucky because he'll her partner and damn, imagine her wearing this. The dress hugs her breathtaking figure. Damn.


*knock *knock

"Loki? Are you there?"

"Come on in."

I went inside and Holy shit! It's green, black and gold!  

"Well... I don't care that you'll think of this as a good news... But I may have found someone that can accompany me to the reunion."

"Oh no, that's okay. Just give me a heads up if they are able to accompany you there."

"Okay. Thank you for understanding."


I came down to see Steve drinking milk. I got a cup from the cabinets and reached for the milk carton. We both drank in silence.

"Uh... Y/n?"


"Thank you for being the mediator a while ago. If it weren't for you, we might've settled it physically."

"Well, I'm glad that you took it that way. I thought I might have overstepped my boundaries as your mediator. I might have said something that triggered you both."

"Oh, you didn't say anything that made us triggered. Anyway, I have to go. It was nice talking to you. Thanks again."

"It was my pleasure. I don't want to see some of my friends fighting. Steve..."


"Promise me that you'll not be going to do that again?"

I held my pinky finger up for him to swear. He laughed a little bit, obviously trying to ease his nerves. He wrapped his pinky finger around mine.

"I promise I won't ever do that again."

He then left. I brought that milk back to the fridge and took both cups and washed it. Maybe he forgot about it since he was really nervous or something. I then went back to my room and chilled while thinking about my plan for the reunion. Gosh, maybe I'll be laughing loud as hell. She'll never mind her devious and loud laugh later on because... All she knows is that they deserved to be laughed at for being evil to someone who wanted to live a life.

...Shame on them, she thought. She clenched and unclenched her hand and breathed in and out. She almost lost herself because of anger. 

"...I will have my fucking revenge and you'll be sorry for treating me like shit."

Goddess (Avengers X Reader X BTS)Where stories live. Discover now