My child

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"If you want to stare, don't make it obvious."

I am now sitting on the living room- the same place where my friends found out about my eyes- and maybe my origins. I really wanted to get the hell out of here and hide my eyes. My eyes are my biggest insecurity. I don't recall my father having eyes that are the same as mine, as I knew that his eyes were somewhere between green and blue. Strange... I'm still scared to face him. Tony brought back the two Gods with him when he saw the others are huddled in the living room.

" I hide it because I don't really want to stand out that much. And that I hate having these eyes."

"But, it looks beautiful..."

"You really think so, Peter?"

"Yeah. It really suits you."


I smiled. He just shrugged and went on to do his thing.

"Who are you really anyway?"

"I'm Y/N. I'm the owner of a school, apartments, and malls. Strange."

"That is Strange. You see... Thor said that only Asgardian Gods and Goddesses, and righteous men can lift it."

... What?

"The bast- I mean this God hid the fact that only Gods and Goddesses can lift up the hammer so that his amusing hobby, that is seeing us struggle, will stay."

"...Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm certainly not, Lady Y/N."

Thor looked at me with a sad smile.

"Then, why are you so sad after you saw me wield the hammer? I don't have intentions on ruling-"

"Because you might be Laena."

"Who's she?"

"Laena, our little sister. She was someone who was universally loved in the kingdom. Loki and she were so close. One day, Laena fell in Midgard by accident. Loki went mad and did some things..."

Thor answered it while Loki hangs his head low, ashamed of what he has done.

"As Thor said, Only the Gods and Goddesses can only wield the hammer and we led to believe that..."

"I'm your long lost sister..."

"Who took care of you?"

"...It was-"


I then heard a voice that I thought that I will never get to hear again.

"Who the hell invited you here, Strange?"

Tony asked him while grinding his teeth.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe your A.I or maybe not. Who knows?"

"I see where the sass came from." Cap groaned.

"My dear, I am Stephen Strange. I took care of you when you were a child."

"I know. But I ran away with all the money I've gathered because..."

"I know, and it's okay. I'm sure you have your reasons. I'm glad to see that you are doing well."

Strange patted her shoulder. Her breath hitched at the sudden affection. 

As he always did every morning back then.

Goddess (Avengers X Reader X BTS)Where stories live. Discover now