Fun day

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I woke up and realized what situation I'm in.









"I have to exercise."


I did my morning routine and wore a black shirt and a pair of leggings. I then went down to drinks tons of water before preparing myself a tumbler.

"Morning, Y/N- are you going to go for a jog right now?"

"You're the first one to hang out with me, right."


"Yup. So shall we get going?"



"ON your right!"

Ah... Revenge feels good.

"Thank you dear, Y/N."

"No problem, Sam."

"It's nice to have you today. Really."

"I know what you mean. It's my first time to see Steve so pissed."

"Me too. And I feel really happy right now."

"Be careful about saying that. Once he hears that he'll torture you the next day."

"Oh fuck, you're right. But it still feels pretty good. I want to take a picture."

"Me too. Sadly, I don't have my phone-"

"ON your left!"

A man passed ahead of us. We could feel a smirk in on that man's face. We both looked at each other and grinned.

"See you on the other side, Sam."

"See you on the other side, Y/N."

..." So... Mind telling me your plan."

"Jeez... Why are you so angry? It's not like you haven't done to me that every single day. At least you now know what it feels like."

"Y/N? What's your excuse?"

"I'm gay."

"...OkAy. Now that you opened up, and that we accepted you as a person regardless of who you are, why the hell did you did that to me? I thought we're partners for today."

"I said, hangout. Not that we're dating or something."

"...Fine. You need to give me a treat."

I then saw someone who has a bag while walking his dog.

"Good sir with a golden retriever?"

He then turned around.

It was Pietro. The math teacher not Quickie- I mean QuickSilver.

"Oh hey, math teacher! How's it going?"

"School's fine. I get along with the other teachers pretty well, if you know what I mean."

"Oh... I DO know what you mean. Even the men?"

"Even men."


"Do you know what they mean?"

"I certainly don't know what they mean, Captain?"

"Oh! Do you have a treat there?"

"Yeah, I certainly do have one. I bring it so that he could move."

He gave it to me and thanked him. I turned to Steve who was talking to Sam.



"Give me your hand."

"Uh... Sure?"

I grabbed his hand and gave him the treat.

"Here you go. Your treat."

"Uh... Thanks..."




"I'm not a dog, Y/N."

"But you sure look like one."


"Shall we go back and go somewhere?"

"Yeah, sure. Will Sam come along?"

"If you want to, Steve."


"So... Where are we going?"

"To the amusement park."

"Are you sure?"

"Yup. Are you sure, Sam?"

"Yup. Are you sure, Y/N?"


"Well, what are we waiting for?"


"Are you guys ready to go?"


In the end, the only one that had fun was Y/N. The two idiots kept challenging each other until they both got sick and threw up in the bathroom multiple times.

Y/N might have fun riding the roller coaster and the Vikings, but she certainly didn't have fun going home.

"Why do these things keep happening to me?!"

She kept knocking again.


The door opened to see a smiling Tony.



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