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I woke up and did my morning routine. I decided to wear a floral dress for a change. I then wore my wooden sandals and went down. After I've arrived in the living room, I heard sounds from the kitchen. I went there and saw Jin cooking.

"Good evening, Jin."

"Good evening, Y/N."

He turned around whose eyes turned wide.

"...Is it that bad?"

"No... You just look really beautiful today. And that I'm not used to seeing you in a dress."

"Yeah... I thought of wearing them for a change. It seems to suit me, yeah?"

"Yup. You look great whatever you wear."

"Oh, thank you. You're all the same you know? Whatever you do or wear, you all look pretty handsome."

"Thank you. May you please call everyone for dinner?"


"Thank you."

I then went upstairs and told them to go down one by one. One by one, you could see how different they are. Some grinned at me, some blushed and some wiggled their eyebrows.

...We all know who is the latter.

Anyway, I was now in front of Jimin's room. I knocked and he didn't answer. I knocked once more. But the door opened and I knocked something other than the door.

...It was his chest. Good thing that I knock softly. If not... I might have killed him.

"Hello, Jimin."


"Well... are you busy?"

"I was just choosing an outfit for today."

"Well, Jin told me to make you all come down for dinner. After you're done, please come down, okay?"


"Okay, I'll be going now."

He closed the door and I went back to the dining room to see all of them are seated.

"Where's Jimin?"

"He's in his room choosing his outfit for today."

"What are your plans for today?"

"I'm not sure. We might go to the arcades and to karaoke."

"Ah... I see... Karaoke. Well then-"

"No one would come along."



"So... you want to go to the arcade?"

"Yeah, sure. Are you really comfortable with your dress?"

"I'm okay. Thanks for the concern."

We then went to the mall first to window shop. After so, we ended up buying some shoes. After that, we then went to the arcade. And for every game that we play, I always win while he ended up as a whining cutie.

I then looked for more games to play but I ended up seeing a, excuse me for my language, grown-ass man, looking at him hungrily. His face is kind of like he's in pain. It targeted my fight-or-flight response.



"I don't mean to judge people, but I saw someone horrifying who was looking at you. We need to go now."

Goddess (Avengers X Reader X BTS)Where stories live. Discover now