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John couldn't believe it was happening. Hope was being charming. Sophie was giggling in excitement of the change of events and even his cold hearted wife was showing a hint of a smile.

He knew Hope was the one. Finally things were going to work out. There was going to be peace. Hope looked beautiful in the new atmosphere. Glowing and pink tinged from the excitement. John could see the stress of the social interaction behind her plastered grin but it would become more natural as time passed. The important things was that his family was accepting her.

He carried the tray of food to the table and served Sophie first. She was his sunshine and she always loved his cooking. To his wife he gave veggies and skipped the meat. He knew her preference and there would be no arguing today. It was a celebration. For Hope he put a large mound of everything on the plate. She deserved s good meal with good company.

He poured wine for himself. And Hope. She should be able to handle a glass of wine- and she definitely deserved it. She was captivated by his family. Listening attentively and making eye contact. Things were going well. He placed his hand on Hopes arm and handed her the wine glass as she looked at him puzzled.

"Thank you Hope. For coming to dinner. For being gracious and polite to my family. We're all going to get along. We're going to be family."

He clinked his glass on hers and watched her take a drink. Her eyes laser focused on his hand gently caressing her arm. It was an important moment. She was happy- and off guard. He lifted his palm higher to stroke her soft shoulder. She was no Alice, but she did have a beautiful quality about her. He imagined her thin frame filling out. Curves returning and her hair thickening. She'd be perfect.

A shudder traveled up his core. Intensely pleasurable and he turned to Sophie.

"You want to be beautiful like Hope you have to eat your vegetables. Come on. Show Hope what a big girl you are."

He filled his glass again and held the bottle above Hopes full glass.

"Drink it Hope. It's a celebration. It's the first day of your blossoming."

He waited until she drained the cup and filled it again. The shaking of her hands slowed as the pinkness of her skin deepened. The wine had tinted her lips red and he imagined how soft they'd feel against his. The quick flicker of her tongue across them caused a surge of longing to fill him and he drank his glass quickly to calm himself.

He wouldn't repeat history. Alice had turned his family against him. He wouldn't go down that slope again.

The table was silent. He throbbed with desire and slammed his fists against the table causing Hope to scream and spill the wine in her plate and across the front of her nightgown.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that Hope. It's just, the moment is so beautiful. It's so perfect and the meal isn't being eaten. Forgive me. Eat. Everyone needs to eat. And take off the nightgown. We can't have you catching pneumonia."

Her face went blank and she didn't move. A test. This was a moment that would define their relationship.

"The nightgown Hope. Take it off."

Her hands remained in her lap and her shoulders slumped. "But Sophie. She doesn't need to see me naked."

John weighed the moment. Hope was thinking of others which was progress. But he'd given her an order. This couldn't be stopped now.

"Sophie is familiar with the body and she doesn't mind. She'd rather have you undressed than to be sick. I'll find you something else to wear."

John took off his shirt and handed to her. Hope stood and removed the nightgown facing away from the all. When she reached for the shirt in Johns outstretched arm he grabbed her and spun her closer.

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