A Tragic Event

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I watched my stepfather stumble down the stairs and I laughed. My stepfather picked himself up, glared at me and sat down at the table. "Me and Autumn are going to be out all day" I announced. My stepfather purposely coughed and was about to say something, but my mother cut him off. "That's wonderful, have fun girls." My stepfather glared at her, but she glared back. Me and Autumn both got up and headed to the door. Stepfather stood up too. "It's their last day before Destiny's dragon training, let them have some fun" my mother told him. My stepfather scowled, but sat back down. I nodded a thanks to my mother and walked out of the door with Autumn.

The sun shone through the mist, lightning up certain parts of the village. "Race you to the cliff edge!" I yelled at Autumn as I started walking faster. "You're on!" Autumn said as she ran past me. I grinned and sped after her. We ran through the mist covered forest, making our way to the cliff edge. We often raced each other along this path and I usually let Autumn win. The cliff edge was one of the only places in Mistdell that wasn't covered in mist. We approached the cliff edge and I was already further behind. I saw Autumn get there first with a huge grin on her face. I looked through the misty trees for a second, watching a couple of ravens that were sitting on thin branches. Then I heard a loud roar. I looked up to see a very big, blood-red Singetail above Autumn. I sprinted as fast as I could and Autumn screamed as the mighty dragon picked her up. But by the time I had caught up with her, it was too late. The Singetail was carrying her away! In that moment I was helpless. There was nothing I could do to help her.

I threw a rock after it, but the Singetail didn't care. Tears ran down my face as I realised I would never see my beloved sister again. I was so distraught and extremely angry! It was me who decided to race to the cliff edge. It was me who had looked away for that split second. This was all my fault! I screamed in anger and frustration. I was furious! I felt the fury boil up inside me as it got stronger. I stopped screaming and crying as I felt a ball of fury build up inside me. The ball started in my chest then spread throughout my body. Suddenly I felt all tingly. Everything went blurry and all I could hear was a high pitched buzzing sound.

Finally my vision cleared and I could hear again. But I could hear much better and everything was louder. I could hear things I had never heard before like the heartbeats of the two ravens sitting on a branch nearby. My vision was sharper and I could zoom in on tiny objects. And I could smell everything around me for miles. I felt my heart pounding inside my chest. I looked down and saw black scaled paws with long claws. I turned my head around and saw a black scaled back with fins running down it to my tail. My tail?! I had a tail with two tail flaps at the very end and two at the beginning. I looked at my back and saw large black wings attached to it. I wobbled over to a nearby puddle on my four legs and in the reflection I saw a black scaled face with two ears, a snout and bright light green eyes. I gulped as I realised what happened. Somehow I had turned into a dragon. And not just any dragon, a Night Fury.

I sucked in a deep breath, but something started boiling in my throat. I saw a purple glow shining through my mouth. I panicked and tried to spit it out, but I ended up shooting a plasma blast. My eyes widened in both fear and amazement. I was a dragon! And that meant I could fly! And that meant I could save Autumn! I ran to the edge of the cliff and without thinking I leapt off of it.

I fell down head first. I held out my arms, er wait, opened out my wings. I was immediately scooped into the sky by the wind. I glided through the air. I flapped my wings up and down and started to pick up speed. My back tail fins clicked and I flew faster. I opened out my tail fins to try and slow down a little, but I ended up turning left. I clicked my tail again, but this time I turned right. I flew around in circles until I finally clicked my tail fins and glided straight ahead. It was like instinct had taken over. I flew faster and slowly got higher.

Finally I spotted the Singetail in front of me. The Singetail was very large with blood-red scales and maroon markings. It had a wide, flat body and a long tail. It had four wings, the bigger pair being set lower on its back. And it had chameleon-like eyes that allowed it to see in multiple directions. I flew over to it and dived down. As I dived, the wind rushed past my scales and made a loud whistling sound. I shot a plasma blast at the Singetail and I guess I caught it by surprise because it dropped Autumn. I watched Autumn fall into the sea then the Singetail shot a scarlet fireball from its tail. I clumsily dodged left and drifted downwards then managed to fly up again. I found myself under the belly of the Singetail so I shot a blast at it. The Singetail growled and a fireball hit my head. I had forgotten that Singetails could blast fire from their belly's. I circled downwards on my back as I fell towards the sea. I plunged into the cold water and turned upright. I kicked my legs, but that got me nowhere. I flapped my wings and burst out of the water. I looked back up and saw the Singetail fly away.

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