The Last Battle - Part 2

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I blasted my way out of the cave and flew away from FireFang who immediately gave chase. A fireball hit my wing and I started falling. I regained my balance and continued flying. I heard FireFang catching up with me. I knew I needed to go faster, but this was as fast as a Singetail could fly. I wondered if I should shift into a faster dragon. I had doubts, but FireFang knew I could shift anyway so I decided to go for it. I shifted into a Zippleback and flew towards the clouds. FireFang was at the tip of my tail then suddenly he stopped. I flew a little higher then hovered in the air and watched FireFang flying below me in frustration. He didn't like the altitude, just like Gunnar's paper had said. I flew through the clouds and shifted into a Night Fury. I picked up speed then dived down. I flew past FireFang and hit him with a plasma blast then dived down towards the sandy island.

FireFang chased after me and I slowed down. He caught up with me. I flew above him and once he was underneath me, I shifted into a Singetail and blasted him with fire from the gills in my belly. FireFang growled and I flew down closer to the beach. FireFang quickly caught up with me and started blasting me with fireballs. I started losing my balance and had to focus very hard on staying in the air. FireFang got closer and closer. Suddenly I heard a loud shout. "Reptile!" I looked down at the beach and saw Gunnar, who had managed to get out of the cave. FireFang looked at Gunnar. "Reptile! Don't hurt her, I commanded you!" Gunnar shouted. FireFang growled and ignored him. Without the whip Gunnar was completely powerless. I watched Gunnar and I could sense his worry, maybe he really did care about me...

I was caught up in my thoughts as I watched my father. I heard a loud hissing sound. Then everything seemed to move in slow motion. I turned and saw FireFang charging up a special fireball, strong enough to kill me right there. Then I heard wingbeats. I turned and saw Fireball flying towards me! And Kai was riding him. I looked back at FireFang who let the blast fly towards me. I was so startled I didn't know what to do and I froze. Just as the bright red blast was about to hit me, Fireball dived in front of me. The blast exploded on his scales and sent a shockwave across the island. Fireball dropped to the ground. I also fell down from the power of the shockwave. Fireball hit the ground before me and a cloud of dust surround him. Kai flew off his back and landed near the caves. Gunnar immediately ran over to him. I hit the ground with a thud. Everything went black.

I slowly opened my eyes. I was surrounded in a cloud of dusty sand. I closed my eyes again. My whole body ached and I felt like all my life and energy had been sucked out of me. I heard wingbeats and opened one eye. I saw FireFang flying towards me. I closed my eyes and heard him land next to me. I felt his burning hot breath against my aching scales as FireFang started checking if I was dead. I felt like just giving up and dying or even letting him kill me. I was hurting inside and out. I felt like I had nothing left to live for. It felt so similar to how I had felt when I lost Autumn. Then I remembered Autumn. I had just found her. And Runa, Eclipse, Firefly. Also Kia and Fireball. I opened an eye and glanced at Fireball, he wasn't breathing. I let my eye glare at FireFang before I closed it again. Although I was aching both physically and mentally, I felt strength build up within me. I felt hope. I did have something to live for, many things in fact. I also felt fury. FireFang was the reason everything had happened, he was the one who took Autumn from me.

I growled, quietly at first, then very loud. I leapt up and hissed at the surprised FireFang. "Why aren't you dead yet?!" FireFang screeched in anger. "Because you were never meant to be the reason I suffer!" I yelled. I blasted him with a bright yellow flame. "That's for taking Autumn from me!" I yelled. I blasted him with a bright orange flame. "That's for everything with the dragon hunters!" I shouted. Then I blasted him with a bright red fireball. "And that one is for everything you ever did to me!" I screamed. I pounced on FireFang and pinned him to the ground. Then I growled and bit down hard on his shivering throat.

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