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"Fireball?" I gasped. "Yep, that's me!" Fireball grinned. "Do you know the kid? Kai?" I asked quietly. "Yes, he's my boy! Where is he? Is he okay? How do you know him?" Fireball asked nervously. I looked around the cave at the other Singetails. "Not here, follow me" I told him as I flew towards the cave exit.

I landed on a little cliff ledge and turned to Fireball. "I'm here to rescue you from the pack and reunite you with Kai" I announced. "But how do you know him?" Fireball asked. "You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you..." I whispered. "I won't, I promise!" Fireball said. I let out a sigh and told Fireball everything. I told him about how I can shift into a human and I met Kai and made the deal with him. "Wow, that's crazy!" Fireball said in amazement. I tilted my head as I studied him. "What now?" Fireball asked. "Tomorrow we both escape. After tonight I'll have a plan" I said. I looked at the sky which was turning dark. "Now why don't you go and let me think" I proposed. "Alright, see you later!" Fireball said as he spread his wings. "See you!" I said as I leapt into the air.

I landed in the woods and shifted into my human self. I started slowly walking through the trees. The air was cold and I had an uneasy feeling. I spotted a figure up ahead. I picked up speed and found Kai by a tree. Kai backed away and seemed more tense then usual. "What's wrong? Did something happen after you went off with your father?" I asked as I thought back to what happened earlier today. Kai tensed even more at that last part. My heartbeat picked up. "You didn't have to do that" Kai muttered. "I'm just trying to help you, in whatever way I can" I told him. Kai let out a sigh. "You need to leave. Now" he told me. Before I could say anything I heard a branch snap. On instinct I shifted into a Terror and flew up to a tree branch. Five hunters emerged from behind trees with crossbows at the ready. "Where is she? The girl?" A hunter asked Kai. "No girl. She must have left the island by now" Kia replied. "Your father said you told him she would be here!" Another hunter argued. "And I was wrong!" Kai replied as he started to get angry. "Your father won't be happy" the hunter said as he lowered his bow. "He'll be glad the camp isn't invaded, but only if someone tells him" Kai replied as he hinted at the fact that he wanted them to leave. The hunters put away their weapons and headed back to the camp.

I dropped down from the tree and let out a loud screech in Kai's face as I held my wings above myself to seem more intimidating. I shifted into a human and slapped his face. "Ouch!" Kai yelled. "You pile of yak dung! You tricked me! You set me up!" I screamed at him. "Okay, I know you're mad, but just let me explain..." Kai said softly. "Explain? Explain what?! How you decided to tell your father, who you apparently hate so much may I add, that there was a girl on the island!" I yelled in anger. "Just listen! The other night I found my father. I had decided you weren't any use to me and I couldn't trust you and didn't want anything to do with you. I told him I had seen a girl on our island. My father sent out hunters to search for her. But when you helped me earlier today I knew I had made a big mistake. I'm sorry" Kai explained. I let out a deep sigh. "Sorry for yelling" I muttered. "No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have set you up" Kai told me. For the first time I could hear emotion in his voice, sincerity. Although every part of me was telling me not to trust him, I wanted to give him one last chance. "Do we still have a deal?" I asked. Kai smiled and nodded.

After a second of silence, Kai spoke. "So, er, hows it going?" Kai asked. "I found him, I found Fireball!" I almost screamed in excitement. I had nearly forgotten. "Really? That's great! How is he?" Kai said as his face lit up. "He's good and he can't wait to see you!" I told him. "That's great! What's the plan now?" Kai asked. "Tomorrow me and Fireball will sneak away from the pack and meet you here at nightfall" I explained. "I'll be here waiting. And this time I'll be alone" Kai said. I heard a loud roar from FireFang, he was calling the dragons back to the cave. "Well I better go" I said as I started taking a step back. "Wait!" Kai said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. "What is it?" I asked quietly. Kai ran a finger over my arm before placing his hand on it. "You've got scratches, you're bleeding..." Kai muttered. "Oh that... um, yeah, me and FireFang got in a fight" I explained. "You got in a fight with my fathers alpha dragon?" Kai asked in a shocked, but somewhat impressed voice. "Yeah, it was actually Fireball that broke up the fight. That's how I found him" I said with a slight laugh. "He's a good dragon. Here, this will help" Kai said as he tore off a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around my wounded arm. "Thank you" I smiled. "Just be careful" Kai said softly. I gave him a nod. Kai reluctantly let go of my arm. I shifted into my lime green Singetail.

I entered the cave and made my way towards FireFang. "What now?" FireFang snapped at me. I took a deep breath and managed to spit out the words "I just wanted to apologise for picking a fight with my leader, twice. It won't happen again." FireFang tilted his head to the side then chirped happily. "Okay, good" the alpha said with a nod of his head. I found Fireball and lay down next to him. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.

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