*Jaime's POV* -after the plane ride and settling in-
"I have a house here, ya know," Tony stated as we walked to a house nearby.
"Good for you. What, you tryna show off in front of me?" I said carrying my suitcase in one hand and throwing my bag over my shoulder.
"No, but I'm just saying. You're staying with me."
"No shit, you freaking turtle!"
"Until you get yourself a job and rent out your own apartment."
Damn. "Fuck you, Tony."
We started for the door. Tony unlocked the door and into the house we went. We unpacked our things and started to settle in.
"I'm hungry," I said holding my stomach, staring at the fridge. I know he doesn't have any food yet because he hasn't lived here in a while.
"I'm going out to get some McDonald's, if you wanna hang?" he said placing his hand on my shoulder.
"No thanks. You go bring it and I'll stay here," I said looking away from him.
"Then there's the door," he pointed. What? "Go hit your head on it. Either you come with me or you eat nothing."
"Asshole!" I yelled, giving him a playfully light shove.
"You're not spending your time laying around the house," he stated. "Oh by the way, you're starting school tomorrow."
A way to break the news to me. "What? We were on the plane a couple hours ago, and I already have to start school? Tomorrow?! Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"No. You're going to start bright and early. You can pick up your schedule from the office as well. I talked to the principle and you're ready to go."
How does he even get a hold of these people that quick? He's got everything planned out! How I'm going to live my life and what choices I'm going to make. He's doing this shit for me. I'm not a little kid! Then again, I can't complain because...well I just can't. Tony is insane. But I gotta give it to him for putting up with me and my annoying shit.
"But for now," he started, "lets get some grub! I'm famished!"
Being a complete fatass that I am with food, I scarfed everything Tony bought for me.
I had no money and no job, yet. He was so determined that I get my ass to work and make my own cash. Unlike my poor busted ass, he started at an early age. 15 I think? He took care of himself when his parents were on a duel income. They never had time for him. Same with mine, except the fact that my mom didn't care enough to take care of me.
I finished my last fry and chugged down my Coke. I glanced over at a group of guys walking in while laughing and making themselves the center of attention. One of them hustled to the bathroom in dire need to take a dump or something.
One guy was super tall and skinny with tattoos all over his neck and arms. He wore a SD snapback. I'm gonna assume that means San Diego. Another guy was petite and pale. He had tattoos going up and down his right arm and a couple on his left. I didn't really catch a good glimpse of his chest tattoo though. His hair was short and pitch black; it complemented his face. The remaining guys had red hair and a shitload of tattoos, just like the giant guy with the snapback. But the last boy caught my attention tremendously. He had long brown hair with curls at the bottom that formatted his face perfectly. He was very thin and had no tattoos. Well, actually, none that I could see at least because he was wearing a black hoodie. He also had on gray skinnies and black Vans. That's my kind of style right there. He was quite short, I think a little shorter than me.

This Love Was Out of Control (Fuenciado)
FanfictionJaime Preciado is forced to move to San Diego after being locked up. New school, new friends, and new faces to look at. He moves to Mountain View High where, not only is he paired up in Biology with a bad boy for the rest of the year, Vic Fuentes, b...