Not Good Enough For Truth Or Cliche

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*Jaime's POV*

I carefully stroked Vic's hair, hoping not to wake him up. It was still early and school didn't start until another hour. I played with his hair. He fluttered his eyes open.

"Shit. Didn't mean to wake you up. You just looked so beautiful," I said, smiling at him.

He moved closer to me and pecked me on the lips, sending chills down my spine.

"What time is it?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"6:10. Bright and early!"

"Bright and early my ass!" He turned over on his stomach and pulled the cover over his head.

I can see he's not a morning person. "Get up! Or I'll smack you on the ass!"

"Fuck no! That hurts! If your slaps are anything like Mike's, I'm never coming over here again." He jumped out of bed.

"Don't worry, Vic. It's just a threat. I wasn't really gonna hit you. And uh..." I pointed to his naked body. He rolled his eyes at me. "I'm gonna shower."

"Hey, wait, I need to shower too."

"Join me? We'll save water."


I jumped in the shower and he followed behind me. I turned on the water, making sure it wasn't too hot.

"Get in...or are you too chicken?" I giggled, grabbing the soap.

"Me chicken?! The wonderful Vic Fuentes a chicken?!"

"Then get in," I demanded.

He stepped in the shower, only to stare at me bathing myself. I scrubbed my back and swirled the soap around. I waved it in my hand. He turned around.

"What's wrong, Vic?"

"Nothing. It just feels weird," he said bashfully.

"Maybe this will make it better..." He rotated his head to see what I was talking about. I leant him under the head of the shower. I went under it as well. I slowly rubbed his back all over and leaned into him. The water was starting to get steamy and it felt amazing. He turned his whole body this time. His hair was soaked and it make him look sexy. I pushed it back with my fingers. I stared in his chocolaty eyes. His muscles were shooting out of his skin. I placed my hand behind his lower back and pushed him towards me. He rested his hand on my chest, pushing me away a little.

"What the fuck are you doing? I'm not gay."

" had sex with me yesterday," I pointed out as-a-matter-of-fact.


"So? So?! We made love last night and that's all you got to say?"

"That wasn't love. You were just another fuck."

He left the bathroom and walked into my room. I quickly dried myself and hurried to my room as well.

"What do you mean I was just another fuck?"

"I don't like you, Jaime. It was a mistake sleeping with you. Now get off my back."

"But you said you were ready. You said you loved me," I said sadly.

"Well, I say a lot of shit that I shouldn't," he shot at me angrily.

I started to tear up. "But last night-"

"Fuck last night! Fuck the sex, it was nothing! And fuck you, Jaime. You useless motherfucker."

Tears fled from my eyes and dropped to the ground. I couldn't believe what Vic was saying. How do you go from 'I love you' to 'fuck you' over night? What did I do?

This Love Was Out of Control (Fuenciado)Where stories live. Discover now