You Gotta Fall Before You Fly

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*Jaime's POV*

♪ Nobody's gonna love you if you can't, display a way, to capture this. Nobody's gonna hold your hand and guide you through, no it's up for you to understand. Nobody's gonna feel your pain, when all is done, and it's time for you to walk away. So when you have today, you should say all that, you have to say

Wow, what a beautiful voice, I thought to myself. I wonder who's singing like that?

The boy walked out of the restroom, bashing the door aside. Looking up at me, he seemed very embarrassed to be heard by someone.

"Please tell me you didn't just hear that..." the boy with the raven black hair said. I think his name was Kellin. That's Vic's best friend.

"Why, what's wrong with it?" I asked, washing my hands.

"It was complete shit." He walked over to me, staring in the mirror and picking at a pimple.

"What? That wasn't complete shit. That was amazing! I didn't even know you could sing."

"Well," he started, "I'm in a band so..." He washed his hands and went over to dry them.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's the name of your band?" I'm so stupid. Why am I asking him these questions in the bathroom? Why can't I ever have a regular conversation with someone that's not somewhere awkward?

He picked up his backpack from the dirty floor and threw it over his shoulders. "It's called Yesterday's Mistakes. You know Vic, Mike, Jesse, and Alan?"

How could I forget them? "Yeah, I know them."

"All of us are in a band together. I'm kind of the screamer."

"You're a screamer? But those lyrics you did were so great and soft. Are you sure you're meant to be one of those loud people?"

"That's what I was thinking. I actually like singing more than screaming, but Vic is the boss so I can't say no to him."

Vic is the boss? Uh, fuck no. There is no boss in band. "I think you said that wrong. Cause I just heard you say Vic is the boss. If you're in a band with him, there is no such thing as a boss in a band. Everyone is equal."

"He claims he's the boss because he's the oldest, by like 3 months, and he's the singer. So yeah, I think he kind of is. He wants everything his way. I want to add my own lyrics into the songs we do and he won't let me." We both walked out of the bathroom, discussing what should happen with their band. Vic wants to control everything and he wants to make damn sure everything they do is perfect. No band is perfect. "You know? And I just want him to take into consideration my ideas for singing. Even though I scream, I really want to add how I feel into the lyrics. But he won't let me."

"Maybe you should quit the band. He's an asshole and I'm pretty sure you know that," I said, kicking a leaf that was on the ground in the hall. Kellin swiftly turned to me.

"Are you kidding me? I can't quit the band! Vic will kill me! He's not an asshole all the time. In fact, he's a sweet guy, but likes to intimidate people. And besides, we just went to a band audition the other day and if we make it, we're throwing a party for everyone to come. But if we don't, I know that Vic will be devastated. I won't be as much, but I for sure will be sad."

"Oh...damn." I'm terrible. I wish I could help him, but I have no clue what to do.

"So I gotta go. I'll see you in 4th hour," Kellin said walking in a different direction.

The day went by super fast and I felt like I was missing something or there was something I forgot to do. Even though I couldn't think of it, I'll pretend that it was nothing.

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