*Jaime's POV*
I have a couple things to say: First off, Mike, Vic, and I graduated last week along with all of our friends. We were so excited about ending the school year right. Tony was most excited for some reason. I think it's because he made me go back to school and finish. I guess I have him to thank for that. I'd probably still be in jail right now if he wasn't there for me. He always has my back.
Secondly, Vic and I are gonna tie the knot today. Literally. We decided we wanted alone time before we start touring again. We only have two more weeks left in San Diego so that meant we wouldn't have time for a honey moon. But that's all part of it and we don't mind. We get to see each other every day anyway.
"Do I look okay?" I asked Tony who was adjusting his shoe laces.
He fixed his posture and walked over to me. "You look fine, Hime. No pressure." He scrunched up my tie and patted me on the back. "You have nothing to worry about."
"Thanks, Tone," I smiled, taking one last look in the mirror before I would have to walk out there and wait for my groom.
"Hey, uh, Jaime?" Tony said, just before stepping out of the room.
I turned my head. "Yeah?"
He sighed deeply. "You're growing up too fast for me. Please stop," he winked. "I'm gonna go check on the others." With a swift motion of his body, he escaped the room, leaving me there alone to ponder by myself.
"This is it, don't get scared now," I said to myself, readjusting my collar once more. "There's no way I'm backing out. Don't be such a chicken, Jaime. You can do this." I gave myself encouraging words and headed out of the room to stand in my place.
*Vic's POV*
"Am I wearing the right tie? Should I fix my hair a different way? Are my dress pants too short?"
"Vic, Vic, Vic, you need to calm down," Mike said, holding me still to stare at myself in the mirror. "Everything looks great. We made a checklist, remember?"
I took a deep breath. "Okay, read it to me."
"Are you wearing pants?"
I smirked at him. "Check."
"Do you have the ring?"
"Does Jaime have your ring?"
"Is everything okay in here?" Tony said popping his head through the door.
I turned to Tony. "Does Jaime have my ring?"
"Yeah, he does."
"Check," I finally said towards Mike.
"Do you have your vow memorized?"
"What?" I questioned, fixing my cuff.
"Well, I mean, you don't have to have it memorized, I was just asking."
"Not really, but I know what to say already," I confirmed, looking to the mirror again.
"Okay, Vic, you have five minutes. Mike, we need to take our spots next to the others. Vic, when you hear the piano go off, that's your cue to start walking down the aisle." Tony was more prepared than all of us were.
"Alright, I'm out. Let's go, Tony!" Mike squealed, shuffling his way out the door.
Just enough time to make a tweet.
-@piercethevic: I'm getting married to @ptvjaime today! My love:D-
I'm so nervous. I don't think I'm ready. I mean I'm ready to spend my life with Jaime, but I don't think I'm ready to stand there and listen to the priest talk for half an hour.

This Love Was Out of Control (Fuenciado)
FanfictionJaime Preciado is forced to move to San Diego after being locked up. New school, new friends, and new faces to look at. He moves to Mountain View High where, not only is he paired up in Biology with a bad boy for the rest of the year, Vic Fuentes, b...