*Jaime's POV*
I searched and asked for a map at the zoo. We were looking for the monkey house and couldn't find it. We literally walked everywhere and couldn't spot it.
"Excuse me, where is the monkey house?" I asked politely to a lady that was eyeing the lion in a cage. The lion, however, had a different thought on his mind. Stalking his prey, I can see.
"I think it's over there," she pointed. "I've only been here a couple times and I'm still not sure. There's a map in that direction if you need one! It will be on the right."
"Thank you," Vic said as we walked away from the kind lady.
We approached a large map that hung from a pole. It was orange and yellow, very worn out if you ask me. I quickly tapped the map a couple times.
"It's an enchilada, and a dingo......and some boys," I said, deepening my voice at the last part, pointing to the little children on the map.
"That last part about the boys, you sounded like a fucking pedophile, Jaime," Vic said, shielding his laughter.
"That was so much fun, Jaime! I can't believe we went to the zoo! It's been so long, since like, I was in 5th grade. That alligator almost snapped at us, you saw that, right? That was a perfect date!"
"Who said it was over?" I winked, interlocking my fingers with his as we received weird stares from people. "By the way, the alligator was literally about to charge at us."
Today is Friday. I told Vic to leave this day open, and he did. I have a whole schedule planned out for us. First, we go to the zoo, and we actually just got done with that. Next on my list was to go back to his place and have a cute little picnic in his backyard. I told Mike the day before not to be home because I wanted "alone" time with Vic.
We reached his house. The day was hot and sunny, the rays practically blinding us in the eyes. The clouds shifted here and there, but the sun's harmful rays were pointing down from the sky.
"Where are you going?" I asked him, heading towards the backyard.
"Ummm, inside. Isn't that why we came home?"
He has no idea what's ahead of him. "Did you read the note on the door?"
*Vic's POV*
Did he just say note? I walked closer to the porch to find a folded note attached to the door. I unfolded it and began to read.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'll never love someone the way I love you. A special treat awaits in the backyard, I really...oh fuck this shit. I was never good at rhyming. Just go to the backyard.
"How thoughtful of you Jaime. It's kinda cute," I blushed, pecking him a kiss on the lips.
He directed me to the backyard, where I happened to notice a red blanket with a picnic basket rested neatly under a tree. Since the sun was blazing out, the shade would be perfect to cool off under. I smiled and intertwined my fingers with Jaime's, just strolling to take a seat on the picnic blanket.
"This is so adorable. You did this for me?" I asked, pretending like it wasn't obvious.
"Well who else, numb nuts?!" he laughed.
We sat on the blanket, just smiling at each other, until one of us opened the basket. It was filled with sandwiches, chips, juice boxes, and another letter.

This Love Was Out of Control (Fuenciado)
FanfictionJaime Preciado is forced to move to San Diego after being locked up. New school, new friends, and new faces to look at. He moves to Mountain View High where, not only is he paired up in Biology with a bad boy for the rest of the year, Vic Fuentes, b...