*Vic's POV*
Sitting on the couch watching TV by yourself because your brother had plans today and you didn't, really fucking sucks. Mike went to Frenchi's to spend the day with her and I don't know where Jaime went. He slept over, but I'm guessing he left early. I thought Sunday was supposed to be family day, the day where all your relatives come together and spend time with one another; not going to your girlfriend's house. Sunday is the day we praise Jesus, you feel me?
Well what do I know about family day? I don't even go to church anymore and I bet they won't accept me back because of my sexuality. Speaking of family, my parents don't even know that I'm gay, let alone starting up in a successful band. They probably still think I'm with Cara...ew. Just her name now makes me cringe. I hope she's happy with the boy she's with.
I miss my mama and papa. I really want to spend a little bit of time with them before Fearless calls us in to start working on new music.
But for now, le-
"I LOVE BAD BITCHES, THAT'S MY FUCKIN' PROBLEM! AND YEAH I LIKE TO FUCK, I GOTTA FUCKIN' PROBLEM!" Mike came through the door singing Fucking Problems by ASAP.
"...You interrupted my thoughts, a-hole," I spat out, turning my attention back to the TV, not like I cared what was on anyway.
"A-hole? What, did you forget how to swear?"
"It's Sunday."
"So what?"
"We're supposed to spend time with family and praise the lord today." I kept flipping channels because there was nothing amusing that was on.
"Since when did you give a shit about praising God? You don't go to church anyway."
"Neither do you!" I defended myself. "Why are you home? I thought you were with Frenchi."
"I was. Now that you mention family, she's like her and her parents always go out for breakfast after church on Sunday, so I just said okay, gave her a kiss, and left."
I sighed and got up from the couch. "I miss mama and papa. Should we visit them?"
"Why? They never even bother to call us or come over at all. What's the point of going to their house and seeing them?"
"Because they're family, Mikey. Do you know what family is?"
"Yeeeahh, but I still don't think it's a good idea. By the way, when are you and Jaime having a wedding? I love weddings!"
Just Jaime's name sends shivers up my spine. I miss him already. The proposal two days ago was beautiful and I wouldn't trade it for the world. "I don't know yet. We just got engaged, so chill for now."
"Let me see the ring."
I flashed him my left hand, a diamond ring sat on the fourth finger. A wide smile tugged at my lips, making me blush to a deep red.
"I still can't believe he proposed!"
He held my hand. "I still can't believe it's not butter!" he joked. "I'm kidding. It's an amazing ring, Vic."
"Thanks, brother." I pulled my hand back and stared at the ring once more. "I miss him."
"Call him?"
That's exactly what I did. I dialed up his digits, but there was no answer. "He didn't pick up."
"Maybe he's at work?" he offered his opinion.
I called Caesar and asked her if he was working today and she said 'no, he's not in.' So then where is he? "He's not working at the massage parlor today. He didn't answer his phone either." I told Mike. I'm not trying to be a stalker, but I want to know where he is. I called Tony, maybe he knows where he is?

This Love Was Out of Control (Fuenciado)
FanfictionJaime Preciado is forced to move to San Diego after being locked up. New school, new friends, and new faces to look at. He moves to Mountain View High where, not only is he paired up in Biology with a bad boy for the rest of the year, Vic Fuentes, b...