Part 1: Back to school

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Wills POV;

I woke up to sun streaming through my window shining in my eyes. I attempted to pull the blanket over my head to get more sleep. As I was drifting off again I hear a knock on my door;

"Hey, Will you awake? Breakfast's ready if you're ready, ok?" It was my brother, Jonathan, reminding me that I have to get up to go to dreaded school.

"Be there in a minute," I manage to say but I wasn't sure if he heard me since he went on walking back to the kitchen.

I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled to my closet. I got dressed and packed my bag and went to breakfast.

"Oh good your up, you need a ride to school?" it was my mum, there was something I have been trying to pluck up the courage to ask her and I think this was the right time to tell her.

"Mum, can I ask you something?"

"Sure honey was is it?" She replied back.

"Well since I'm in my last year of Middle School I was wondering if I am allowed to ride my bike to school again? It doesn't have to be every day, only like once a-"

"Will? Ok, I have been thinking about that too and I think you're ready to start riding again," she replied with a smile on her face.

I burst out in excitement, "Thank you! Thank you so much!!!," I gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran out to get my bike out of the shed, where it sat for the last year and a half, collecting dust. It was weird riding my bike again through Mirkwood, the wind blowing through my hair. Not long after I saw my friends and called out to them. They were overly excited that I had surprised them and they all rode to school together. It felt good to set my bike back on the bike rack next to mikes on the end. Not long after the Hawkins' Chief van pulled up and Jane hopped out.

"Hey, Jane! you ready for school!'' Lucas called out.

third person;

Jane walked over and linked hands with Mike. Will felt envy rush through his whole body. He knew he shouldn't feel this way about his best friend but he can't help it. He hadn't told anybody that he was gay, not even his family. Will tried to brush off the feeling and continue with his school day.

Mike's POV;

I held El's hand and showed her to her locker. I didn't care what her name was, she was my El and she likes me, only me calling her that. Her locker was opposite and a little to the left of Will's. She was talking to me but I was distracted. I was just watching Will unload his books into his locker with a smile on his face. He was so beautiful when he did basically anything. oh fuck me, I'm not gay I never will be. I'm in love with El, that's it. She's the love of my life and always will be, nothing, not even Will will change that.

Wills POV;

The first bell rung which meant start getting to class. I needed to be as quick as I could to get a good seat next to my friends, next to mike but I reeeaalllyyyy needed to go to the toilet. I decided to quickly run to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands the despicable Troy Harrington walked him. he gave me a smirk and walked closer to me.

"Hey zombie boy, how you going?"

"What do you want troy?" I asked with annoyance in my voice.

"Just to let you know everyone at this school knows you're a queer, the way you look at Wheeler is no secret to anyone,"

Tears filled my eyes as I tried to come up with something to say to Troy and then the bell rang, shit, I was late. I ran out of the bathroom and into English to see if my friends saved me a spot but something made me stop in my tracks. Jane was sitting in MY seat next to Mike, the spot I had sat in for the last 3 years of middle school. The nearest spot was two rows back in the middle. Mike gave me a sorry glance but I just sat down and tried to stop the tears from flowing from my eyes. Just ten Troy walked in and smirked as he saw an empty spot behind me. He sat there and whispered to me;

"I'm going to make this year a living hell for you, fag."

I didn't answer and kept on focusing on not crying. This year in fact, was going to be a living hell courtesy of Troy or not.

Mike's Pov;

As I walked in to English class hand in hand with El, there wasn't much spots left. luckily no one dared to the take the four seats in the middle from our party. As we walked in El said to me, "oh great Mikey they'res a spot for us there and she headed straight for Will's spot. Shit, i hadn't thought of this, now where was Will supposed to sit? Where even was he anyways. I decided it wasn't my problem and went in my spot. A few minutes later Will walked in with a stunned look on his face seeing his spot was taken. I looked at him as if to say sorry but he just kept his head down. I felt so bad, I would've traded for Will to sit there any day rather than Eleven, he was the one I truly loved, no matter how much I denied it.

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