Part 6: Broken.

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Will's POV;

Can I be dead? No but like seriously, I wish I had died in the Upside Down. That would be better than the situation I am in right now. I just confessed to my best friend I loved him, like what the fuck was I thinking? He's straight. Unlike me. He loves Jane. Not me. It's just came out, I was in the moment.  He hurt me, a lot. Those words he said to me truly hurt me. All the self-Esteem I had been trying to build up for years after my father left had came crumbling down in a minute. I'm broken.

The next day; Mike's POV;

As I walked into the grounds of School Will was no where to be seen, that was good. The graffiti from his locker had been cleared off, also good. I couldn't help but grow a little anxious if Will was okay, it was a habit. I had broken the poor boy, I couldn't help but be so depressed. I was exhausted also, after spending the night throwing up after crying for hours and hours. Jane wasn't at school either, as well as Max, where was everybody? I met up with Dustin wondering if he knew answers but he was asking me the same thing. Same situation with Lucas. I used the pay phone out front of the school to call Jane but I got no answer. I didn't know Max's number so I couldn't call her. I couldn't bring myself to call Will, even though I knew his number by heart, of course. It was a lonely day at school. I missed watching Will at his locker as El rambled on about something to me. I wish I could just go into reverse to before all this. Before me and Eleven had a fight, before Will told me he liked me, before I had broken his heart.

A week later;

It's been a week since I've talked to Will and Jane. I miss them both so much, especially Will. I miss our late night chats on our radios, our sleepovers where we would watch scary movies and he would get so scared he couldn't sleep and I had to console him. I miss the old days when me and Will were best friends. I can't eat. Nothing but water has touched my lips for the past week. I've grown very skinny, my mothers worried sick. Max has come back to school but she's not the same. Jane came back today but won't even look in my direction, still no sign of Will though. I need to talk to him, but I need to wait until the time is right.

3 days later; Will's POV;

I've been very sick for a while now, say a week and a half? I don't know what it is, heartbreak? That would make sense. My mum made me go back to school today, great. I'm not allowed to ride my bike, fuck. I lasted one day, really? Once my mum dropped me off I just kept my head down as I walked in, which, low and behold the teasing started up right away. I can't eat. Nothing but water has touched my lips for the past week. I've grown very skinny, my mothers worried sick. I just walked silently to my locker where the graffiti was cleared, I was relieved. I went to my first class, math. Great. The one class I'm beside Mike. I couldn't look at him without breaking down, but I did anyway. He's scarily thin, worry grew in my chest, is he Ok? I think he and Jane broke up, I don't know why, that must be why he's so worried. I didn't look at him at all during math, well I tried not to, did I end up looking at him? I can't help it.

Mikes POV;

As I sat in math bored out of skull I silently fiddled with my pencil. Will was staring at me the whole lesson. I don't think he realised it, but it was creeping me out. I want to, I need to talk to him, also Eleven, but she can wait. As math finished up I called out to Will;

"Hey Will! Wait up!"

He just kept on walking pretending not to hear me, I knew he did though,

"Will! Are you deaf!?" I grabbed him at the shoulder, we locked eyes. I quickly looked away as he yelled at me,

"What the fuck do you want Mike!? I just want to be left alone," he retorted. I jumped in surprised. Will NEVER swore, only when he was mad.

"ooooh boyfriend trouble, huh Wheeler?" Called out a voice. I swung around to see Troy standing there with his retarted jock friends. They all Laughed and yelled homophobic insults.

"Go away Troy, mind your own business for a change?" I retorted.

"And what's it for you zombie boy? What's your problem?"he said as he shoved Will.

"You stay the fuck away from him Troy," I yelled.

"Ok ok, but this isn't the end." He yelled.

I looked at Will as he just sighed and walked away, I didn't bother following him.

2 hours later; Will's POV;

As I unlocked my locker to get my books for my last class, thank the Lord. A note from Mike fell out. Here's what it said;

Dear Will,

I know you're mad at me but I love you. Meet me in a.v club after school from mikey wikey.

That's weird? It doesn't sound like mike, nor his handwriting. Oh well, I missed him. I'll do whatever it takes.

 Mike's POV;

As I opened my locker for to get my books a note fell out, it was from Will;

Dear mike, 

I'm sorry I upset you. Meet me a.v club to make out I mean make up from Willie.

That didn't sound like Will, did it? I decided to take my chances and meet him, I missed him anyways.

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