Part 13: forgiveness

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Third Person;
As Mike walked into school he headed straight to Wills locker. When he saw him he smiled.
"Hey beautiful," He said. Will blushed.
"So do you want to come to my house tonight? We can have a sleepover." Said Mike.
"Sure, why not, I just need to call my mum," answered Will. He went to the pay phone to call his mum. After she said yes he ran back to Mike to tell him the good news. They were talking together when Troy approached them.
"Ha! What'd I say? I told you losers were faggots but frog face and zombie boy? Who would've thought!" He laughed.
"And?" Asked Mike.
"My dad said that queers are the lowest of low and should be killed to make room for more better people like myself," remarked Troy.
"Oh and look here comes my beautiful girlfriend Jane," He said as he wrapped his arm around Jane and swung her around and French kissed her. The boys looked at them in disgust. Jane looked certainly not into it.
"Get away from her troy," said Mike.
"She's my girlfriend, I can do whatever the fuck I want." Said Troy walking away. Jane walked up in Mikes face.
"I know you're jealous Mike, but you can just can get lost and mind your own business for a change huh?" Rudely said Jane.
"Oh really? What do I have to be jealous about?" Mike asked.
"That he's a good boyfriend and you weren't," She sneered.
"Oh I- l wasn't a good boyfriend?!?! Did Troy hide you in his basement because you were hiding from the government? Did Troy call you for 353 days straight after you disappeared into thin air? Does Troy know that you where called eleven? Does Troy know you lived in a lab for the first twelve years of your life? No? Thought not! So you can say whatever shit you want Jane but you can't say I wasn't a good boyfriend, I should've left you that forest you know! Let you go get found and kicked back in that lab! Also does Troy know you can do telekinesis and telepathy? Yeah, jack shit!" Mike cried in a hoarse whisper. Jane was very taken aback by that comment and she soon broke down.
"Mike calm down, I-I'm sorry! I'm s-so sorry! Wha-what you said was c-completely true! Oh-oh g-god how I h-have fucked up!" Sobbed Jane as she fell into Mike's arms.
"It's ok, really it is, I forgive you," consoled Mike.
"No you shouldn't, I've been so mean to you, the only reason I dated Troy was to make you jealous!" She sobbed.
"It's alright El, it's all ok." Reassured Mike. Jane wiped her eyes and blew her nose and she went over to Will.
"Will, I'm sorry I was such a dick to you, I just was a bit annoyed at how close you and mike where, I'm so sorry, can we be friends, again?," Asked Jane.
"Friends?" Asked Will with an eyebrow raise.
"Yeah, friends," smiled Jane.
Will sighed,
"ok," he answered.
Later that evening;
Will was in his room sketching when he heard a knock on his door;
"Hey Will, hopper and Jane are coming over tonight for dinner so do you mind cleaning your room?," Asked Joyce, his mother.
Will sighed, was the dinner being hosted in his room? Hopper & Joyce has been dating for a while now and they had had countless dates which lead to awkwardness between the two young peers, since they didn't get along since she dated Troy. But this time Will was actually looking forward to it. He cleaned his room AKA shoving everything into his wardrobe. Then he brushed his hair (bowl cut) and got into some more dressier clothes. Just after that they arrived.
"Hey Will," said Jane grinning.
"Hey Jane," He said glaring at the two adults chatting, "wanna go to my room?" He asked.
"Sure!" She replied.
When they entered Will's room Jane gasped in shock,
"Wow Will! Did you really draw all this?" She said rummaging through the piles of drawings on his desk.
"I mean yeah- I think so," He said.
"I always heard you were good but not THIS good!" She exclaimed. Will blushed at the presence of Praise for himself. He never thought he was too good, he just enjoyed drawing, it let him escape for a while. Also created fantasy world for himself, which mostly consists of Mike.
"This is my favourite," she said, knocking him out of his daydream. He looked down at the drawing she picked out, it was a sketch he attempted of Mike. Will blushed, since that was his favourite too.
"Yeah I mean I L-like that one too." He said.
"Does your mum know?" Asked Jane.
"Know what?" Will replied.
"About you and you know, Mike?" She answered.
"Oh um- well not exactly. I think she has a suspicion I'm gay, I think she has for a long time, but I don't know." He fumbled.
Will's POV;
"Well you should tell her," Jane said.
"I don't think I could, the thought of it make me sick to the stomach," I answered.
"So you're just gonna let her find out? That never ends up good, Will," she said sitting down on my bed.
"I know, but," I said as my mum opened the door;
"Hey guys dinner!" She said.
Jane and I looked at each other as we got up and into the kitchen. After we finished up dinner they got ready to leave.
"Bye Jane," I called out.
"Cya Will!" She answered. 
They got into the Hawkins' chief van and rode away.
"Wow you two have been getting along huh?" Said mum.
"Yeah I mean I guess so," I answered not making eye contact.
"Will," she said.
"Yeah?" I said looking up at her.
"We need to talk."

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