Part 9: starstruck

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The next morning;
Wills POV;
I woke up to Mike cuddling me in his bed. We must have fallen asleep. I snuggled up to him to fall back asleep. I winced in pain as my bruises hit the edge of the bed. Mike snored a little bit as I lent over and kissed his cheek. A couple hours later Mike woke me up;
"Good morning beautiful," said Mike as he kissed me. I just smiled at him as I stretched to wake up.
Mike started laughing.
"What?!" I asked.
"Can you try and NOT be cute?" He joked. I just smirked at him and got up to go to the bathroom. He ran over to me and turned me around.
"Seriously! I just want to see you try!" He said.
I laughed as I leant in to kiss him. This one lasted a little longer than usual. I smiled as I walked out to the bathroom. Once I finished my business. I walked back to Mikes room. He was staring at his closet with his eyebrows furrowed. He looked so cute.
"What are you doing?" I asked as I walked up beside him.
"Well you need some clothes don't you?" He said.
I kissed him on his cheek.
"Well take your pick," He said.
"No." I replied.
"What?" He said growing alarmed.
"I want you to pick, it makes it more special," I said.
"Ok," he said, relaxing.
After he picked me out a striped sweater, three sizes too big and a pair of old jeans that were only a size big. He smiled as he leant over and kissed me.
"And I thought you were cute before!" He exclaimed.
Mike made me feel like the only person in the world. He made me feel so special, even though I wasn't. He made me feel like life was worth living and everything will be ok in the end. I smiled as I hugged him. His parents and Nancy had already left, so it was just in the house. He made me breakfast, Eggos, which reminded me of something.
"What about Jane?" I asked.
"What about her?" He replied.
"I don't know, did you guys even break up," he explained.
"Where we ever together?" He said.
I stop talking since I could tell he didn't like talking about her.
"Mike I-I think I should head home. My mum's probably worried sick," I stuttered.
"It's ok, I told her you're spending the night, remember?" He said.
"I know but I still thi-"
"It's alright Will, it's all ok," he said, wrapping me up in his arms. I cuddled up to him, growing less nervous.
"No but seriously Mike I need to,"
"Ok, if you want to," He said looking disappointed. I kissed him as I grabbed my bag and rode home. No one was home when I got their. I got changed into some clothes which were more my type and size. A couple hours later my mum came home;
"Oh hey Will your home! How was last night?" She said as she put the keys somewhere I knew she would forget.
"Really great," I said as I hugged her.
"Well I'm glad to hear that, want a snack?" She asked.
"Sure," I said as I went to my room to grab some crayons and paper. I wasn't sure what to draw but I knew once I put the crayons on the paper they would do the rest. I sat on the kitchen bench and stumbled a bit, confused on what to draw.
"Having trouble?" My mum asked.
I nodded my head as I picked up the green crayon. I drew a line at the bottom of the page and it did the rest. An hour later I had drawn a field of flowers with the sun setting. It was different to my usual drawing that I normally do, but I liked it.
"Wow Will that's great!" My mum said behind my shoulder. I smiled as I picked it up and went to my room to put it on my stack of a million other drawings. I don't know what made me draw that. I think I'm starstuck.
Mike's POV;
As Will rode away I sat down on a kitchen chair and sighed. Why did he want to go? Did he think I was getting weird? Does he really like me? I pushed those thoughts aside and packed my back and rode to lucas' house where we finished up a project.
Two days later:
Will's POV;
As I rode into school and put my bike in a stand I walked inside school but no one was laughing, why? No one was staring at me, or pointing or laughing, they where just minding their own business. As I opened my locker Mike appeared beside me.
"Hi," He said grinning.
"Hey mike," I said grinning as well.
"How was yesterday?" He asked.
"Mmmmm pretty boring since I didn't see you."
"I'm grounded remember? After I took the blame for the smashed window? I rode to lucas' after you left and I got caught, oh well." He said.
I smiled as I grabbed a book from my locker.
"Oh my god I just want to kiss you." He said getting restless.
"I'll come over after school, we'll do our 'homework'." I explained
"Sure, homework," He said smiling.
Third Person;
Mike was rambling on about something as Will's face when completely blank.
"What is it?" Said Mike as he turned around and raised his eyebrows in shock.
Jane was hanging out with Troy as they linked hands and walked over to them.
"Hey fags how's your day?" Jane asked. Will coughed in surprised as Mike raised his eyebrows again.
"Jane you shouldn't say those words, it disgusting," said Mike.
"Why should I listen to what you say?" She asked as she walked away.
Mike and Will looked at each other in despair.

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