Part 12: Snowball

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Time skip to December;
Wills POV;
As my brother tightened my tie, which he finally knows how to do, he asked me a few questions,
"So who are you going to dance with? Jeniffer Hayes? I know she used to like you." He said. Still Max and Mike are the only ones that know I'm gay. And I'm happy to keep it that way.
"Ok bud, you're all set." He said patting me on the back. I walked out to see my mum looking frantically for her keys.
"Oh where are they! We are going to be late! Will can you check in the bathroom?" She asked.
I headed to the bathroom and looked through all the drawers but then I heard Jonathan;
"They're here mum!" He called out.
As we got in the car and drove to the dance we parked outside the gym.
"Ok so I want you to come out at 10:30 on the dot okay! And if you want to call me and come home use the phone okay! And-"
"Mum, it's okay," I said cutting her off.
"Ok ok I'm sorry, you better go, don't want to keep those girls waiting!" I chuckled at that last remark. Little did she know...
I was going to the dance with Mike, as friends. Friends. We were going to dance to all the upbeat songs but sit out on the slow songs. I grinned as I saw him get out of his mum's car in a dorky outfit. He was so cute.
"Hey will," He said grinning.
As we walked in we met with the others and we all danced together until we all paired off, Max and Lucas, Dustin and a girl I knew he had a crush on for a while and Mike and I. We danced around laughing until the song turned to a slow song. We looked at each other with pain in our eyes until I sighed and walked off but Mike grabbed my hands and turned me around.
"Dance with me." He said.
"Mike I don't think that's a good idea" I said but he didn't listen. He grabbed my hands and put them on his shoulders. I looked around at all the people giving us weird looks and I could tell my face was burning up.
"Just relax ok? It's alright," he reassured me as I squeezed his shoulders. I relaxed, just a little. I saw Dustin out of the corner of my eye staring at us in confusion, same with Lucas but Max just smirked. I didn't care. I moved closer to Mike and wrapped my hands around his shoulders.
"Kiss me." He said.
"Mike really I don-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Mike had leant in and kissed me. It lasted three seconds at the least. I looked at him and sat my head on his shoulder. I really truly loved this boy. A lot.
Janes POV;
I don't know what Troy had, but it was something strong, rum. He was obviously drunk. As he kissed me I pushed him back in disgust. His mouth reeked of alcohol.
"Dance with me," He slurred.
I was going to decline but then I saw Max and Lucas dancing so I put my hands on his shoulders. I didn't really like Troy, I just dated him to make Mike jealous. He didn't have a date to the dance so I was obviously winning. Troy kissed me again so I turned around and walked away but something made me stop in my tracks. Mike and Will, two boys were dancing together. I didn't know what that meant but I knew it was not okay. I gasped as I saw Mike kiss Will, what did that mean? I heard Troy laugh from behind me,
"See! What did I tell you, a bunch of fags! He laughed. Then it clicked. That's was faggot meant, two boys liking each other. He had told me to call them that a few times but I had no idea what it actually meant. I asked him continuously what it meant it meant but he always brushed it off. He probably thought if he told me I wouldn't want to call them that. I had tears in my eyes so I rushed off to the bathroom. I don't know why I was crying, did I still like Mike? No. Did I like Will? No, I never have, I don't really know him as much as the others. I brushed it off and went back out to dance with Troy. The next song was an upbeat one so I went to dance with Stacey. She was a bitch to me but I still wanted to be her friend, or did I? I didn't know what was happening. I realised what I was put on this world for so I went and danced with Troy.
Mike's POV;
After a night of amazement and dancing to countless songs with Will, who I could finally call my boyfriend we sat out in the foyer of the gym waiting for his mum. I held his hand and as people walked past we got a a lot of rude remarks but some of them saying how brave we were. I saw her car pull up so I hopped up and said goodbye to Will.
Wills POV;
It was the best night of my
Life. I danced with Mike, my boyfriend the whole night. As his mum came to pick him Max came in as he left.
"Hmm how long has this been going on?" She asked.
"Mmmm a couple of months," I replied.
"Hey Will, I'm happy for you," she said.
"Thanks," I said smiling. Later Lucas and Dustin walked in.
"Ha I knew it for so long! I knew you were gay! You can't keep anything from me Will, anything!" Dustin cried.
"Ha nice one Byers," said Lucas as he high-fived me. My mum pulled up.
"Well cya guys tomorrow!" I called out.
"Bye!" They all said in unison. What a night to remember.

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